Kamal Mazhar Ahmad, 1937-2021

KT News: Kurdish historian Professor Kamal Mazhar Ahmad has passed away today at a hospital in Bonn, Germany. Professor Ahmad was born in Sulaymani province in 1937 and completed his education in the Soviet Union before returning to Iraq. He had studied Kurdish history since 1959. During the Kurdish uprising in 1974 he joined the…

Pope’s Visit Puts KRG in World Spotlight

KT News: Pope Francis during his visit to Erbil the capital of Kurdistan for the last few days expressed his gratitude to Pershmarga forces for protection of displaced Christians and other minorities. This was during a brief meeting at Erbil international airport on the third day of his official visit to Iraq and the Kurdistan…

Gara: ‘Turkey Wants to Cause Infighting between Kurds in South and North of Kurdistan’

KT News: PKK’s high military command issued a statement on 26th February stating that: “ We do not believe the Turkish army’s announcement that Peshmarga from KRG cooperated with them in the mountain of Gara to fight PKK, and we believe Turkey they want to cause infighting between the Kurds in South and the north…

Imran Khan and New Model State of Pakistan

By Arian Mufid: The world is witnessing a new model of economy and state of democracy in Pakistan since pragmatic leader Imran Khan came to power in August 2018. Imran Khan is the leader of Pakistan’s Tahreek-e-Insaf (PTI). British-educated, he has proved that he wants to serve his people rather than power and control. During…

Significant Rise in Suicide Rate in South of Kurdistan

KT News: According to a local hospital in the City of Sulaymani, south of Kurdistan, on Friday 12 February a 28-year-old young woman committed suicide by strangling herself with a rope, apparently after news of her parent’s separation. On Monday 15 February, another suicide was reported in the village of Bardarash, near Erbil, after a…

Catalan Election: Big Boost for Stateless Nations Such as Scotland and Kurdistan

KT News: Pro-independence parties in Catalonia have this week increased their majority in the regional parliament, winning 74 out of 135 seats, compared to 70 in the 2017 elections. While the Socialist Party, which favours Catalonia’s continued union with Spain, is the biggest single party, it will struggle to get enough backing from other parties…

Barzani and Oil Strategy

By Kamal Chomani: There is no state in this world as backward as Saudi Arabia in the Middle East. There is no election, no human rights, no freedom, and no freedom of speech. The thugs of MBS, Mohammed Bin Salman, the Saudi ruler, managed to cut the prominent Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi into pieces inside the…

Joe Biden and the Kurds

By Ahmed Hawarami: Biden is the US President closest to and most knowledgeable of the Kurds. He is the most sympathetic political character to the cause of the Kurdish people. Eighteen years ago, when he was an American Senator, he visited Kurdistan in 2002, before the fall of Saddam and the US invasion. He stated…

Congress of Opposition Voices in the South of Kurdistan Issues New Statement

KT News: The Congress of Opposition Voices movement in the South of Kurdistan has issued a statement addressed to the President of Kurdistan, the Kurdistan Parliament and the Iraqi Parliament and to all foreign embassies in Erbil, calling on them to intervene to stop the brutal repression by KDP and PUK forces of peaceful demonstrations…

Common Features of UK Referendum and KRG Referendum

By Arian Mufid: In 2005, the KDP leader and president of KRG, issued a statement that, if civil war breaks out in Iraq, then we are going to ask for our Independence. Masud Barzani repeated the same message during an interview with the BBC in July 2014, saying he was ready to hold a referendum…

Attempt to Murder Kurdish Activist in Erbil Has Failed

KT News: Kurdish activist Hawre Kurdi was brutally attacked on the night of 19th January by unknown assailants and is in hospital in a serious condition. During a press conference with local reporters his lawyer, Harem Rafat, confirmed that the aim of the attack was to kill Hawre Kurdi, and it had been well prepared…

PKK Should Realise Their Armed Struggle is Futile

By Arian Mufid: When Abdullah Ocalan the leader of the PKK was captured in Nairobi, Kenya with the help of all the international intelligence services including the CIA, Syrian Mukhabarat, Mossad, and the MIT, the Turkish military junta managed to jail him since February 1999. Since then, Ocalan has issued several books and diaries on…

KRG: Release the unlawfully detained journalists and human rights activists immediately

  The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) recent violations of fundamental human rights and freedom of expression is of grave concern to us, human rights defenders and activists. The KRG’s blatant disregards for the rule of law and violations of international treaties under PM Masrour Barzani leadership have reached a new level following the kidnapping of…

Kurdistan Region: The Scope of Electoral Reforms and its Implications – Report

  By the Kurdish Institute for Elections (KIE): The scope of electoral reforms and its implications: Kurdistan Region political parties’ share in the upcoming elections (2021) Aram Jamal, Executive Director of KIE Dana Jamil, Elections Expert Review – Dr Harem Karem, Researcher in Democracy Executive summary This report examines the Kurdistan Region’s 2018 parliamentary elections…

Gebze Women’s Closed Prison – Political Prisoners Distress Call

By Gül Güzel: 45 arrested and convicted women, whose names I kept secret, wrote from Gebze Prison in Turkey. On the occasion of the Corona pandemic, detainees and convicts all over the world were released from prisons and in Turkey as well… However, political prisoners and convicts were excluded from this practice, other criminals were…