Paris Assassination .. of Kurdish Leaders

By Arian Mufid: France has been notorious for political assassinations since the 1970s. In January 2013 Turkish Intelligence plotted the political assassination of PKK leaders Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez in Paris. The three women are described by their comrades as remarkable woman who were incredible models for the woman’s movement in Kurdistan…

Erdogan Stands in the Shadow of Adolf Hitler

By Arian Mufid: Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, was in power from 1933 to 1945. He dictated Germany into the Second World War, during which he invaded Poland and committed the atrocity of the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews were murdered. Before assuming his position as leader of Germany he attempted a…

Mazlum Kobane Speaks Out on Migrant Tragedy

KT News: A statement was issued by Mazlum Kobane, commander-in-chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, following the death of fifteen people from Rojava in the Algerian sea on their way to take refuge in Europe. He asked the international community to protect and help the self-ruled Rojava area in Syria, in order to ensure such…

The Influence of the Human Being on the Pollution of the Environment

Dr Sidduque Shex Mahmoud Barzngy

KT Book Review: In the light of recent pollution and environmental disasters in the Kurdistan region, it is useful to visit a highly esteemed book on these issues by prominent Kurdish scientist and environmentalist Dr Sadiq Shex Muhaidin Barzingy. The book was published in 2021 and since, Dr Barzingy has been awarded an honours PhD…

Chemical Weapons: Kurds Demand the OPCW Investigates Turkey

KT News: Thousands joined a protest in The Hague yesterday, calling on the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), headquartered in the city, to investigate the mounting evidence that Turkey has used chemical weapons against Kurdish guerillas and civilians in South Kurdistan / northern Iraq. The evidence includes compelling video and photographs from…

Iranian Mullahs Should Face Justice for Atrocities Against Their Own People

By Arian Mufid: During the Second World War, Hitler’s atrocities were carried out by tens of thousands of war criminals and in the end some of them were brought to the Nuremberg court in 1945 and sentenced according to their crimes. The Israeli state later captured some who escaped justice at Nuremberg, bringing them to…

Iran United and Mullahs Falling

By Arian Mufid: The Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) represents an Islamic model of totalitarianism and torture. Its history is littered with criminal activities such as assassinations and kidnappings of its opponents both inside and outside Iran since 1979. There has been little regard internationally for the regime’s persistent human rights violations identified by outside…

Turkish State Seeks to Annihilate Kurdish Aspirations

By Arian Mufid: As the PKK enters its 42nd year of guerrilla warfare against the Turkish state, Erdogan continues to use their resistance as an excuse to install the Turkish military junta in the Kurdistan Regional Government. 1984, 1986 and 1987 saw several attacks made against the PKK by the Turkish military. However, the PKK…

The Failures of the Turkish State to Move Away From Genocidal Policies

By Arian Mufid: Turkish leaders have occasionally boasted about learning from their violent history of grave injustice towards indigenous minorities, however ‘Operation, Claw-lock’ (endorsed by the Kurdish KDP) has exposed how empty those claims are. On the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and following Turkey’s latest military operation in Kurdistan, it is worth reflecting on…

Remembering Professor Kamal Mazhar Ahmed

By Arian Mufid: We are re-publishing this obituary on the first anniversary of Professor Kamal Mazhar Ahmed’s death. Professor Kamal Mazhar Ahmed, born on the 14th of February 1937 in the town of Akjalar, which belongs to the city of Kirkuk He was born to a father who was a civil servant and born on Valentine’s…

Rojava and Ukraine

By Arian Mufid: To: Dear Whom it may concern, Considering comments made by reporter, Chris D’Agata, I thought it important to highlight some key disparities in his clearly ignorant words. When the decisive battle started in Rojava against Syrian aggression, both men and women carried weapons against the aggressor. This sent the message of gender…

South of Kurdistan: Looking Back on 2021

By Arian Mufid: As we have begun a new year, naturally, we look back on the year that has passed, and there was little to be excited about. The year opened with the public’s sour mood, which has shaped the most consequential events of 2021. The consequences of Covid 19 in Southern Kurdistan was economic…

COP26 Can Stop Turkish Aggression Against Rojava

By Arian Mufid: With many world leaders gathered in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), can they not stop the Turkish plan to invade Rojava, the North of Syria Kurdish enclave? The news of the last few days is that the Turkish military state has approved the attack and invasion of Rojava….

Will the Scottish Referendum Leader Have the Same Fate as the Catalan Referendum Leader?

By Arian Mufid: Historians have identified British fakery and misrepresentation throughout its history of invasions and occupations. British doctrines are obvious whenever it came to misleading the poor nations. It was Sir Arnold Wilson who said in the 1920s that, “It was in the cockpit of Kurdistan rather than the council of chambers of Europe…

PUK Internal Feud Weakens its Capacity to Lead

By Arian Mufid: Talabani had a heart attack in Baghdad in December 2012 and subsequently  passed away on 3rd October 2017. Since then the PUK, having lost its captain, has been like a ship without direction. The passing of the PUK leader has left behind a dangerous vacuum of leadership. Mr Jalal Talabani’s departure was…