Sardasht Osman: Death Did Not Silence Him

By Arian Mufid: We are republishing this article, first published in 2012, to mark the recent 10th anniversary of the murder of Sardasht Osman. It remains relevant today. 10 years on, there is still no justice for Sardasht Osman’s family. His killers remain protected by the KRG and unpunished. At the beginning of May 2010…

KRG On The Eve Of Oil Calamity

By Arian Mufid: The biggest campaign in the world today is against the coronavirus pandemic. The world’s governments, in order to save human capital, have ordered lockdowns in towns and cities including shops, malls, factories and also airports. As a result, there is no travel between countries and cities all over the world. There is…

Kamaran Said Majeed, The Veteran Kurdish Fighter

By Friends of Kamaran: Kamaran Said Majeed, who died of Coronavirus complications on 9th April, was a Kurdish activist, humanist and dedicated family man. He held British citizenship, but he remained at heart a Kurd, through and through. He was born to a large family of 9 in 1959, in Sulemani (officially called Al-Sulaymaniyah) in…

Prevention of Spread of Covid 19 in North East Syria: Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary

By Margaret Owen OBE, on behalf of Patrons of Peace in Kurdistan: Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Foreign and Commonwealth Office 15 April 2020 Dear Foreign Secretary Ref. Prevention of the Spread of Covid 19 in North East Syria We are writing to you in extreme urgency…

Release All Political Prisoners In Turkey

Peace in Kurdistan Statement: As of 13 April 2020, Turkey had recorded 61,049 cases of Covid-19 and 1,296 deaths from it. Since the first case was diagnosed on 10 March the toll is rising quickly. Turkey’s prisons are dangerous; the Minister of Justice said that 17 inmates of five prisons had been infected with the…

Turkey: Release Imprisoned Journalists and Human Rights Defenders at Risk of Coronavirus

By the European Federation of Journalists: Amid growing concerns over the spread of COVID-19 in prisons, the Turkish government is accelerating the preparation of a draft law that will reportedly release up to 100,000 prisoners. This is a welcome step. Overcrowding and unsanitary facilities already pose a serious health threat to Turkey’s prison population of…

Coronavirus: South of Kurdistan Upbeat While UK Scrambles to Respond

By Arian Mufid: When I look at the latest coronavirus statistics in the south of Kurdistan, I cannot help but feel proud. Since the 11th of March 2020 the whole region of KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) is locked down and people only go to the local mini-market to get their basic food. KRG are banning and…

Why is the World Silent about the Imprisoned Kurdish Leader Ocalan?

By Arian Mufid: 15th February marked the 21st anniversary of the leader of the PKK, Abdullah Ocalan’s imprisonment. Abdullah Ocalan was kidnapped by the Kenyan state who were paid and motivated by a joint operation involving several state intelligence services such as MIT, CIA and Mossad. Abdullah Ocalan is nicknamed ‘APO’ (meaning uncle in Kurdish),…

After 21 Years,Time to Free Ocalan and Grasp the Peace

By Peace in Kurdistan Campaign: Statement marking the 21st anniversary since Ocalan’s abduction in Nairobi, 15th February 1999, by Turkish MIT agents supported by the CIA. It is difficult to believe that it is now more than two decades since Abdullah Ocalan, the leader and founder of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, lost his freedom. It…

In memory of Sakine, Fidan and Leyla

Statement by Peace in Kurdistan campaign: Today, 9 January 2020, we mark the seventh anniversary of the brutal assassinations of Sakine Cansiz and her colleagues Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez in their office at the Kurdish Information Centre in Paris on 9 January 2013. We remember them in love, respect and gratitude and pay tribute to…

The World Should Not Underestimate the People’s Uprising in Iraq

By Arian Mufid: When the USA invaded Iraq they didn’t realise they were going to build a proxy state of Iran. Iraq has become a failed state through the last two decades of rule by different Islamic parties, all driven primarily by Iranian interests. The country of Iraq has been devastated and its resources wasted…

PUK: Party of Division and Disunity

By Arian Mufid: The time is ticking for the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) to hold its fourth conference. This will be the fourth conference since the organisation was founded in 1975 and the first in the absence of its founder, Jalal Talabani. When Talabani passed away, it was like when a father dies without…

Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary: on NATO, Turkish Invasion of North-East Syria, Human Rights Violations & War Crimes

By Peace in Kurdistan: Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP Foreign Secretary Foreign and Commonwealth Office Dear Foreign Secretary Ref. Turkish invasion of North-East Syria – human rights violations and war crimes As NATO heads meet in Downing Street today to discuss the Turkish invasion of North-East Syria among other matters, we write to emphasise the…

Turkish State Relations with the Terrorist Organization ‘Daesh’

Introduction to document issued by Department of Foreign Relations, Self-Administration of North-East Syria: The policies of Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan and his interventions in the Syrian and Iraqi affairs, raised many questions in the region, as well, several European media and the Turkish opposition have published about the relationship between Turkish President Erdogan and the…

Impending Turkish Genocide Against Syrian Kurds

By Rauf Naqishbendi: President Trump has repeated his promise to end the endless wars. Let us examine who fomented these endless wars. Surely, it was America’s invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, causing more than a half a million lives lost in Iraq and trillions of taxpayers’ dollars squandered. In Iraq, more than ten thousand Americans were…