Category Archives: Mem û Zîn Study

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: IV – 2 (3): Newroz celebration of tradition, beauty, universal love

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part IV, Chapter Two (Part 3): Analytical reading of Mem û Zîn as a tragic drama The setting, and atmosphere: Newroz celebration of tradition, beauty, universal love The actual drama starts with the scene of Newroz  (471 ff) when, in…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: IV – 2 (2): Principles of necessity and probability

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part IV, Chapter Two (Part 2): Analytical reading of Mem û Zîn as a tragic drama Khani on the Principles of Necessity and Probability The next parts of the drama will move to scenes of description and action. As Khani…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: IV – 2 (1): Analytical reading of Mem û Zîn as a tragic drama

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part IV, Chapter Two (Part 1): Analytical reading of Mem û Zîn as a tragic drama Act I – Love and beauty Prologue: Storyteller’s introduction to the story The actual story starts with verse 363. A storyteller described by Khani as…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: IV – 1: The dramatic structure of the tragedy (as a play)

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part IV, Chapter 1: The dramatic structure of the tragedy (as a play) The Mem û Zîn drama is divided in terms of content and dramatic progression into three parts: Part 1: Starts with the introduction of the main…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: IV – Analytical reading of Mem û Zîn as a Tragedy

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ PART IV: Introduction As already mentioned, the drama of Mem û Zîn starts with a prologue in which Khani critically depicts his consciously-constructed literary-national-philosophical enterprise. He is aware of his project, asserts its innovative character, being first a text…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: III, 4 – Mem û Zîn’s dramatic plot

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part III, Chapter 4: Mem û Zîn’s dramatic plot The most important primary element of tragedy as explained by Aristotle is its plot – with complex plots having a better chance, space and scope to create a more successful…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: III, 3 – Khani’s Mem û Zîn as a unique genre of tragedy

Portrait of the characters Mem and Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part III, Chapter 3: Khani’s Mem û Zîn as a unique genre of tragedy In the light of the Aristotelian theory of tragedy I will try in this chapter to explore and analyse the defining dramatic nature of Mem…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: III, 2 – Aristotle’s theory of tragedy

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part III, Chapter 2: Aristotle’s theory of tragedy Poetry and tragedy For Aristotle, a fundamental premise that defines what is being a human is that “All human beings by nature desire knowledge” (Metaphysics, (980a1). Therefore they do not only…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: III, 1 – On defining literary genres

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part III: The genre of Mem û Zîn as Tragedy Chapter One: On defining literary genres As we showed in the first part of this study, Mem û Zîn is generally, though mostly arbitrarily, described as ‘epic’; while Chyat’s…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: II, 2 – Khani on Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part 11 Chapter Two: Khani on Mem û Zîn We have shown above (1.1) that writing Mem û Zîn in Kurdish was the result of a conscious stubborn determination to show the world that Kurdish language can be used…

Reading ‘Mem u Zin’ as a tragic drama: London seminar

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Kurdish Book Club: Kurdish Book Club presents a Seminar on ‘Mem u Zin of Ahmadi Khani’ by Dr Kamal Mirawdeli Sunday 14th April 2013  From 15:00 -18:00 Birkbeck College, University of London, Lecture theatre B33*, Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX As part of a series of seminars, the Kurdish Book Club is pleased to…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: II, 1 – Khani’s theory of Kurdish nationalism

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part II, Chapter 1: Khani’s theory of Kurdish nationalism Perhaps pseudo-Kurdologists, Euro-centrists and Orientalists, in Edward Said’s sense of the word, would be annoyed by just seeing this title let alone my argument for the fact that there is…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: Part II, Ahmadi Khani’s Prologues – Introduction

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Part II    Ahmadi Khani’s Prologues  Introduction Chapter 1: Khani’s theory of Kurdish nationalism Chapter 2: Khani on Mem û Zîn Introduction Mem û Zîn is a self-conscious work. Khani knows what he is doing, how he is writing…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: 4. The form and genre of Khani’s literary work

Analytical Study of Mem û Zîn

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Chapter Four:  The form and genre of Khani’s literary work Chyet describes Mem û Zîn in terms of form as “a long epic poem (2655 lines) in the Persian Masnawi style, characterized by strict symmetrical structure, each line…

Mem û Zîn Analytical Study*: 3. Mem û Zîn editions

By Dr Kamal Mirawdeli: ‘Love and Existence: Analytical Study of Ahmadi Khani’s Tragedy of Mem û Zîn’ Chapter Three: Mem û Zîn editions Although Khani’s Mem û Zîn was written at the close of the seventeenth century, it was not until the end of the World War 1 that it was first published. The first…