Kurdistan Tribune’s relentless first year

By Mufid Abdulla:

It is a year since we launched this website. From the first we told our readers and colleagues that this was not going to be an easy mission. Our fundamental message was that we wanted to establish a new way of journalism for the overall purpose of siding with and representing our people.  Through this mission we would endeavour to take into account all our people’s hopes and aspirations.

Since the launch of The Kurdistan Tribune we have witnessed so many events. Most significantly, we have witnessed the aftermath of the uprising in the south of Kurdistan, including the turmoil in Dohuk and Zakho. Coinciding with this, we have witnessed embarrassing scandals emerging from inside the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). We know the two ruling parties are the cause of the nightmare and that, therefore, there is only one way forward: through the relentless work and absolute determination of true and honest journalism.  If the rulers in the south had the capability they would collect all the pens and papers in the market so that people could not write about them.

We remain independent of all parties because we prioritise the aspirations of our nation. We have urged opposition groups not to fall in love with the same style of management as the two ruling parties. If they want to win the next general election they must set out to work harder and earn greater successes than their rivals.

Our people are so frustrated and desperate for change. We are sure that change is on its way. The mass of people are more anxious now than ever before about the budget and the role of their Members of Parliament. Foreign interest has increased with people from around the world observing updates on our website over the last 12 months and increasing their knowledge and concern as to who is bearing the brunt of this rampant corruption. We have delivered several reports of President Barzani’s reform announcements but have not seen even an inch of movement towards real reform.

We have also covered the relentless, heroic struggle in north Kurdistan, including the electoral advance of the BDP and the ensuing repression and bloody massacre. And we have featured the challenges facing Kurds in Syria’s revolution, at the hands of Iran’s tyrannical rulers and in the diaspora.

We all know that a lot of challenges lie ahead and these will not be easy to overcome. That is the reason we need all the genuine support we can get from all our hardworking and dedicated journalists. We are bound to the ethics of journalism. We do not act behind a mask; we are real and we are here.

We want to thank everyone who has continually supported our mission and also I personally want to thank all of the staff at The Kurdistan Tribune for their dedication day and night and for publishing the real story. Finally I would like to issue a big thank you to all our columnists – the bedrock of this site – and our readers. Please keep writing and keep reading.

Copyright © 2012 Kurdistantribune.com

7 Responses to Kurdistan Tribune’s relentless first year
  1. Momen Zellmi
    May 18, 2012 | 15:08

    Congratulations !

  2. G
    May 18, 2012 | 18:41


    You are doing a great job.

    Gelek Spas

  3. Kuvan Bamarny
    May 20, 2012 | 15:01

    xxxx xxxxx xx xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx

  4. Azad Ezzat
    May 21, 2012 | 04:14

    I am curious as to what Kuvan Bamarny wrote. Was it a typo error? or was it full of bad words that had to be deleted?

    • Editor
      May 21, 2012 | 07:36

      Kak Azad,

      It’s our normal practice to approve every legitimate comment – including those criticising KT or indeed its columnists – however, when detecting inappropriate words within the text prior to approving it, we will replace them with x. Thank you

  5. Lara Massraf
    May 21, 2012 | 11:55

    Dastan xosh bet . har bardawam bin la blawkrdnaway rastyakan

  6. Azad Ezzat
    May 21, 2012 | 14:20

    In that case, Kuvan Bamarny may have made a fool of himself by putting inappropriate words in an intellectual arena. If you disagree with something or even hate it, there are many ways to express it than the childish acts. The name Kuvan Bamarny has come up in other places too with similar acts, that is why I wanted to make sure.

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