The end of Nechirvan Barzani’s star status?

By Kamal Chomani:

In the next two months Nechirvan Barzani will regain the premiership of the KRG, even though he is gambling with his political life. The recent radical changes in the region and the emerging challenges for any political leader should be carefully considered. Meanwhile, for any ruling political entity in the Kurdistan region, it is important to turn the changes into real reforms, rather than stand aside. The changes make the new term for the new Prime Minister full of difficulties.

According to the Strategic Agreement between the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), there should be an exchange of the prime ministerial position with the speaker of parliament position in the near future. This means that Dr Barham Salih, the current PM, should leave the prime ministry for someone from the KDP. The KDP has announced that their only preferred politician for that position is Nechirvan Barzani, the KDP vice-president.

Nechirvan Barzani is currently the KDP’s vice president and formerly the KRG’s Prime Minister. Many KDP members and supporters enthusiastically categorize him as “the best statesman”. I shall not talk about Barzani’s past since hundreds of thousands of articles have been already published about his cabinet’s corruption and the violations of human rights and freedom of speech that occurred during his previous term of office.

What is important to consider is whether Nechirvan really is “the best statesman”. To what extent can he be successful in the next two years? And how?

After the 25 July 2009 KRG General Election, the political structure of the Kurdistan region dramatically changed. No longer can the two ruling parties rule without considering the role of the public, civil society and the opposition parties. For the first time, a real opposition emerged. And so the style and structure of politics should change as well. Fortunately, this has begun to happen. Certainly, big changes have happened even though they are not enough to satisfy the people and the opposition parties. The changes that have occurred since the General Election are greater than all the changes that happened from the 1991 uprising until 2009.

Barzani will face new phenomena that he has not encountered in his previous political and administrative life. For the first time as a new Prime Minister, he will face 35 members of parliament who will not just say “yes” to his policies. They have thousands of documents about his past corruption. These MPs will look for every opportunity to guide the country to a beneficial policy. If they are not properly listened to, they will try to defeat Barzani’s new cabinet.

Although Barham Salih’s cabinet sent the Public Budget to parliament that doesn’t mean it was Salih’s will – this was done under the pressure of the people, opposition and media. Nechirvan Barzani should do hundreds of things that he didn’t do in his former cabinet. Barzani was treated like a king then, but today being a king doesn’t make sense.

Barzaini is returning to the premiership at a most difficult time. The wave of unrest, overthrowing dictators, has spread across the region. Mubarak, Gaddafi and Ben Ali have been toppled. In the near future, the same destiny will be Bashar Assad’s fate. In the protests in Kurdistan earlier this year, people were concerned that the dictators might be able to defeat the pro-democracy Middle East revolutions. But now the formula has changed. Kurdish youth and opposition parties are full of hope. If the peoples’ demands are not heard, they will go back onto the streets, in particular to call for trials of the criminals of 17th February who killed tens and injured hundreds of protesters. This time the situation will be completely different. There is even a possibility that the PUK will participate in the protests, at least under masks.

Dr Barham and Nechirvan Barzani are two key Kurdish political characters from two different political parties. They are competing as to who is the most loved by the people and who is smarter in ruling the country. This competition is reflected in general media coverage and praise. They also have their own media that sometimes attacks the rival leader, directly and indirectly. Barzani has never stopped attacking Barham Salih and his cabinet through the media affiliated to him. In response, Barham Salih is developing his own big media foundation. He has the Xendan Foundation for printing and publishing, but he is going to enlarge it and make it stronger. Barham Salih will definitely use his media outlets to attack Nechirvan Barzani and his new cabinet.

The PUK as a party has already started preparing to defeat Nechirvan’s cabinet. The latest petition in parliament, calling for an investigation into the statement of the former director of Ibrahim Khaleel’s border point, is a sign of this.  It has been signed by 50 MPs, including some from the PUK. It is the first campaign against Nechirvan Barzani. The former director of Ibrahim Khaleel – who was arrested because of his interviews with the media – said that almost all money from the border point has gone to a politician: he meant Nechirvan Barzani.

Kurdistan is getting closer to the local elections. Therefore, it is not to be expected that other parties will want Barzani to have a successful cabinet. They will all do their best to defeat Barzani and his party, the KDP. The same thing happened with Barham Salih during the discussion about the Public Budget in parliament because it was just days before the general elections in Iraq.

The issues of the border and the disputed areas have reached a peak. Kurds are very much concerned about the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq. Oil contracts, Peshmerga and other unsolved issues with Baghdad are serious matters that demand great ability to resolve them.

To successfully deal with all these issues – and to be defined as a “smart PM” – Barzani has no option but reach an agreement with the opposition. It is not a matter of whether or not the opposition takes part in the cabinet, but it is a condition that the new PM must work on the opposition’s projects. In this way Nechirvan Barzani will avoid head-on conflict with the opposition and, meantime, the opposition’s projects will be implemented and Kurdistan will be partly rescued from the current crisis.

If Nechirvan Barzani is successful this time in dealing with all the crises facing Kurdistan and overcoming all the obstacles that face him, I will be the first to appreciate this. If not, it will be the end of Barzani’s star status as an influential political character in Kurdistan. It is likely that his opponents within the KDP want to give him the prime ministry to make him face these difficulties. They expect him to be defeated by the challenges  in this complicated period.

5 Responses to The end of Nechirvan Barzani’s star status?
  1. taha nawandy
    November 29, 2011 | 13:52

    Power is like vodka,it’s good while it lasts but you have no idea how many regrettable things you’ve done,,you well done i hope you Success bro

  2. haval
    November 29, 2011 | 21:04

    Kak Kamal:well done for your good article on Nechirvan Barzani and his empire. Apparently he told a lot of people that he will never accept this post again,he thing going forward not backward

  3. Malla Hassan
    November 30, 2011 | 04:58

    Kurdish leaders assume that they can rule Kurdistan like most Arabs Monarchs, kings and dictators forever. Dictatorship will not be tolerated in Kurdistan. Kurdish leaders must be willing to quit after their terms or face strong public resistance. The situation is very shaky in Iraqi Kurdistan and most citizens are not content. There are very strong indications that in a very near future, there a revolution could erupt.

  4. Hallo
    November 30, 2011 | 07:45


    A Kurdish Youth in Iraqi Kurdistan –

    Can our youths stage a revolution?

    The role and power of Kurdish youths has always been underestimated in Kurdistan. That is the reason we can see that they are overlooked and underrepresented, especially in government sector. There are no assurances that our youths can gain high positions even after completing their post graduation studies from prestigious universities. The government promises them good-paying employment opportunities and a more brilliant future, but nothing has happened or changed. Our leaders just want to be elected and after that they disregard what they stated. The very same aged people that were running the entire show in Kurdistan decades ago are now still representing us. There has not been any positive adjustment in their outlook or mindset.

    They do not want to leave power and open doors of hope and leeway for the newer generation. What is the value of education and our hard efforts if we cannot obtain a good job? Everywhere we go in Kurdistan, we must have some kind of Waseta. It is all about what political party you support. Maybe I have no interest to get involved in politics at all and remain neutral.

    Will they leave me alone or they will deprive me of my rights. The social gap is widening every day. The children of wealthy obtain good jobs without a school degree, go to Europe and USA for visits on the expense of government, and drive the priciest cars while the poor people die because of hunger or kill themselves because of no future or set themselves on fire because of no jobs. Some people are enjoying, but most are suffering in Kurdistan. Our government has no plans for us and our future. We have some youths who cannot even afford to get married because they have no income or financial support. Our parents and grandparents have prejudice and are very conservatives. They do not understand that we do not want an outmoded system. They do not want to understand that time has changed. Our government is also misunderstanding our silence, thinking our youths have no demands, can do nothing and have no power.

    No one could grasp the important role of the youths like Dictator Adolph Hitler. When he came to power, he immediately imposed a ban on all youth groups and associations and in its place, ordered to make his own youth groups: the Hitler Youth and the German League of Young Girls, which became very very powerful.

    If we look at the history of the nations, we can see clearly that many revolutions were made by the youths. The youths are the ones who pushed the wheels of inoperative governments, finished corruption, changed dictators and introduced new ideas, especially in recent revolutions in the unfolding Middle East. They stood up and asked for changes. They were not scared of retaliation or prison terms because they loved their country. They did not believe or wasted their time listening to corrupt Leaders. Some say the youths have no experience in running government and some say they may change the balance of society, but they are completely wrong. The youths are more idealistic, energetic and educated. They can better serve.

    We do not want corruption any more in Kurdistan. We do not want the old culture of Waseta any more. We do not want tribal leaders ruling. We do not want dictatorship. We want educated people to become our representatives. We want all government offices to merge. We want people from any part of Kurdistan to be able to move and live without intimidation anywhere in Kurdistan. No more Barzani and No more Talabani. Time has come for someone new.
    I want to be able to go to university in Sulaimaniyah. I want o be able to live in Duhok or Masif Sallahdin if I like to. I do not want to be PUK. KDP, GORAN, ISLAMI. I want one colored Peshmarga Army, one education system, one flag, one people, one fair judiciary, and one equal law for all. I do not want to be excused of my crimes because I am son of a big Masool. I do not want to hear you are Surani and Badinani. I do not want to hear you are Hawleri or Duhoki. I want to hear terms such as Kurd and Kurdistani .

    I want our journalists be able to express anything they wish in newspapers. I do not want them to end up behind the bars and tortured. I want freedom of speech and religion for all. I want to be able to go to streets and demonstrate if I want to. I do not want Parastin to show up at my residence and arrest me for only publishing a critical article or essay. I do not want my voice to be censored. I do not want to necessarily support a political party in order to be granted admission in any university in Kurdistan or a job. All I am asking is my rights as a citizen. I want freedom. That will come only when the ruling dictatorial leaders go.

    We are the future assets of this country. We love our Kurdistan. We have the right to have a country. Why not? Why our leaders are not working for us. Why are they serving the neighboring countries interests? If they cannot, there are people who can. Do not stop them because they are more intellectual than you. Leave the power. That is us the youths of Kurdistan. No one is a parallel match for us, for our strength and resolution. We will change the entire system in Kurdistan if we wish. When we rise up, there is no power that can suppress us. There is no one that can dissuade us. We can because we have confidence in us.

    We will stand up. We want president Barzani, Talabani to retire respectfully. We want equality for all. We want same opportunities for all. We want accountabilities for all. We want happiness and progress for all. We will run the government. We will make an independent state for ourselves. We will pour to the streets of Kurdistan from Sulaimaniyah to Duhok, from Duhok to Hawler [Erbil], from Hawler to Masif, to Shaqlawa, to Mosul, to Khaneqin and to the heart of Kurdistan, Hawler and demand for a free country. We will not give in to any countrys demands or pressure. We will change everything from the root. We will change everything from the top to the bottom and from the bottom to the top.

    Remember the important quote by John F. Kennedy, the 3fth US president saying: My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. It is your turn, the youths of Kurdistan. Get up and ask for a country for yourself. Wake up because our future is at stake and rise up because our country is being hijacked.

    The future of our homeland Kurdistan depends on us. Kurdish youths must stage their own revolution in Kurdistan. We are not less than other youths. We do not have much time left. The Kurdish youth should show to their leaders that they can and they will lead the way from now and here on. They must prove to the people of the world that Kurds are more capable, that they strongly believe in change, democracy and freedom. That a nation named Kurds do exist, that they are an independent nation and that no one can defy or deny them their legal rights any more, anywhere and anytime.

  5. Leonel Grossett
    May 21, 2012 | 21:47

    Amazing article, cheers, I most certainly will visit again later!

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