Category Archives: Turkey

Imrali – New Film on the Isolation of Ocalan, Narrated by Maxine Peake

A group of human rights activists, among them British actress Maxine Peake and former Icelandic Minister of Justice Ögmundur Jónasson travels to Turkey. They want to visit Imrali Prison. But the prisoners there cannot be visited by anyone… This short film (8 mins) tells the story of the 2019 international Imrali Peace Delegation and places…

Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt

Dear Foreign Secretary, We write to express our deep concern over the UK government’s position in its relations with Turkey as the human rights situation inside the country continues to deteriorate rapidly. In particular, we seek to urgently draw your attention to the 7,000 Kurdish political prisoners on hunger strike in Turkish prisons and the…

Understanding Turkish Expansionism: Impose a No Fly Zone!

By Rebwar Rashed: Even though the charter of NATO proposes “defending” the territorial integrity of member countries, Turkey has accelerated its practice of violent and aggressive expansionism whilst member of NATO. Turkey has been occupying Cyprus, parts of Syria and Iraq and has continued to violate the air space of its neighbors. Turkey is killing…

Ten Days in Kurdistan

An Irishman recalls a solidarity visit to North Kurdistan back in the 1990s. First published on Rebel Breeze By Diarmuid Breatnach: I was anxious for the Turkish airline plane to take off but it was being held up by Turkish State security agents. Two of them were walking down the airplane aisle from the forward…

Women Delegation from Ireland, Britain and Italy Call for Unlawful Prison Policy of Isolation to End

PRESS RELEASE: Diyarbakir, Turkey The health of Hakkari 55 year old MP Leyla Güven, who started a hunger strike on 8 November 2018, has reached a life-threatening stage. Leyla Güven, who is on the 67th day of a hunger strike, has become too weak to meet with her lawyers. Leyla has a brain tumour. She…

The Assault on Local Democracy Goes On: 259 Kurdish Mukhtars Suspended From Duty!

HDP Statement: Turkish government’s ongoing assault on local democracy has shifted to another field in the run up to the local elections scheduled for late March 2019. This time the target is “mukhtars” in Kurdish provinces (elected headmen of villages and neighborhoods). After President Erdoğan had pointed at them as the next target by saying,…

Stop the Turkish Invasion of South Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan)

Kurdistan National Kongress (KNK) Statement: The Kurds in Iraq and Syria have been engaged in an epic battle against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq and Syria, an organisation that stands in opposition not only to the Kurds, but also to the region as a whole, in its attempts to create a Salafist system. This…

Tribunal Rebukes Turkish President Erdogan For War Crimes Against His Own People

Permanent People’s Tribunal – Press Statement: One month before the presidential election in Turkey, an international Tribunal has issued a stinging condemnation of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, charging him with war crimes against Kurds in Turkey and saying that he has been “tormenting” and “causing incalculable suffering” to the Kurdish people in Southeast Turkey….

Kurds Are Not Terrorists

By Dr Ibrahim Yahli: Re: Kurds Are Not Terrorists – Press Conference, Wednesday 23rd May, 11.00-11.45, House of Commons, Committee Room 14 Dear Right Honourable Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn, On behalf of Kurdish People’s Democratic Assembly in Britain, Kurdish Community Centre and Halkevi, I write to you to express my deepest concern and distress about the…

The Massacres and Oppression of the Kurds in 20th Century Turkey

By Helin Newroz Boztosun: The 20th century was one of the most destructive eras in Kurdish history. While you may be aware of the current Kurdish-Turkish conflict, such as Turkey’s recent attacks on Afrin, Syria, most of you probably don’t know of their historical campaigns against the Kurds, and other minorities for that matter, until…

Throw Turkey and Iran Out of Syria First!

By Rebwar Rashed: On the New Year’s Eve of 1977 Iran was “an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world” according to President Carter while he spent the night at the Shah’s palace and toasted his success. The so-called Iranian Revolution was a reality less than two years later….

Open Letter to President Emmanuel Macron of France

By Arian Mufid: The invasion of Afrin by the Turkish military state has caused many tragedies. You must have smelt the blood of Afrin’s people even though Afrin is a thousand miles away from Paris. You must have smelt the destruction; smelt the destruction of hundreds of buildings and apartments as the people were not…

Defend Afrin! National Demo, London, Sat 31 March, 2pm

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It Was Not Afrin But Western Values That Fell!

By Rebwar Rashed: The Turks repeated their history when they attacked Afrin and invaded it after 60 days. In February 1258 the city of Baghdad struggled for only 13 days before the Mongol Turks burned it down. The Turks have since Baghdad´s conquest burned and exterminated Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Arabs, Kurds and so on….

Afrin and its People Will Never Surrender to Fascist Turkish Invaders and their Terrorist Lackeys!

By Dr. Rashid Karadaghi: Today, the Turkish invaders and their Syrian Islamist terrorist allies entered Afrin and, as is their tradition, immediately started looting the city and kidnapping people for ransom as hundreds of thousands of innocent, mostly Kurdish, inhabitants of the beloved city were leaving it for a safer place, that is, if there…