‘Talks broke down because the KDP and PUK were bluffing’

Sarko Osman (Gorran public relations senior adviser and member of the Opposition Coordination Committee) was interviewed for The Kurdistan Tribune by Harem Karem:

Why did the talks break down? 

The suspension of the negotiations came after four rounds of dialogue between the parties of power and the opposition. From the first round of dialogue the opposition requested:

1.  Normalization of the situation.

2.  Stop all actions against civil society activists and members of opposition.

3.  The arrest and bringing to court of those who killed innocent people during the demonstrations.

The parties in power promised to implement these conditions which were demanded by the people as the basis for continuing the dialogue to resolve the outstanding problems. But unfortunately the KDP and PUK were bluffing and wasting time: that is the reason for the breakdown of the talks.

What will it take, from Gorran’s point of view, to get them started again?

We in Gorran have the same conditions that were requested by the people. If those demands are approved by the PUK and KDP and actually implemented, then we will resume the dialogue with them for political reform as part of the opposition’s political project for radical reform in the region.

What do you think of the KRG’s reform program to date? Do you think the KDP and PUK are capable of overseeing meaningful reform?

We do not believe KDP and PUK are undertaking real reforms. All they are doing is to make some small administrative changes which will not solve the problems facing the KRG. We believe the crisis demands radical political change, including the dissolution of the current government, the formation of an interim government and the holding of early elections.

What did you think of Dr Tissot’s recent speech?

The speech of the French Consul in Erbil was a good indication to the Kurdish leaders in Iraqi Kurdistan of the need for radical change as soon as possible and before it is too late. His speech reflects serious concern about the situation in the region. It was a warning to these leaders that the international community is aware of political developments in the region. It also shows that, if the current situation continues, these leaders will completely lose the confidence of new generations in the near future.

Gorran has been criticised for allying itself with Islamic parties – what’s your thinking about this?

There is no intellectual and strategic agreement between Gorran and the two Islamic groups. Instead there is a consensus on the programs for political reform in the region.We agreed to give the political reform project priority over partisan interests. The coordination between the opposition came about after the emergence of protests in the Sulaimaniya region and the demands of the people for change in the political system – and also the demands of the people for a political consensus about the future of the country.

What are the party’s priorities for the next year or so?

The main tasks for the coming year include preparing party formations and creating a favourable political situation for the upcoming elections. We need to invigorate the parliaments in Iraq and Kurdistan, and review the future prospects for a program of change in the political and administrative system.

Why did Gorran’s long-awaited conference not take place this summer?

Ever since the foundation of this movement we have faced challenges and difficulties created for us by the ruling parties. Because of this we have not yet had enough time to organize ourselves to do this in the way that we want.

We are in the process of creating formations and party organizations. We are trying to offer a new model of non-traditional partisan formations in the regions for our supporters. Most of them are young people from the new generation. They are demanding a major place in these new formations which means they want the right to participate in political decisions on the future development of Gorran. After the establishment of all these new configurations, we will hold local conferences and then a general conference to form a new leadership and an action plan and internal constitution of the party. I think this will happen at the end of this year or early next year.


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