PKK is under the spotlight in Syria

By Hamma Mirwaisi:

Today PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) organizations are the largest organizations in Kurdistan. They are enjoying wide support in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran because they are fighting for Kurdish people rights – without ruling them yet.

The civil wars in Syria are giving Kurdish people there an opportunity to become free from occupiers, like Kurds in Iraq today.

But the story of Kurdish people in the liberation in Iraq is very sad. The Kurds in Iraq are suffering at the hands of Massoud Barzani and Jalal Talabani because both families took over the region and enslaved the Kurdish population. Barzani and Talabani family members are now in control of the Kurdish people’s wealth without any laws to control them. They are wild rulers of that part of Kurdistan.  They are involved in corruption and no one dares to challenge them because the US, Israel, Iran and Turkey are so far supporting both families as the rulers of the region.

There are many assumptions that the PKK is affiliated to Communist or Maoist ideologies, meaning supporting a labor dictatorship without accepting others to be partners in ruling.

The PKK for the first time are in control of the Kurdish region of Syria through an affiliated political party known as the ‘Democratic Union Party’ (PYD) which is effectively ruling that part of Kurdistan.

Is the PYD going to share ruling privileges through free elections and the rule of law, or they will end up being like the Barzani and Talabani family rulers? Time will tell.

Will PYD members become involved in corruption like Barzani and Talabani? Soon we can tell.

For over 2,500 years, Kurdish people has been revolting and revolting to achieve freedom but they have failed so far because of the corruption among Kurdish rulers.

The PKK is a Kurdish organization. Kurdish organizations will always have corrupt elements within them. It is like a body with infection. The body defense systems will always fight germs to stay healthy. Is the PKK capable of fighting corrupt Kurds within its organization to stay clean or not?

Corruption is killing the Barzanis and Talabanis slowly. Corruption can kill the PKK too.

Hamma Mirwaisi is a former member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) and representative of the KNK in America and the author of the book, “Return of the Medes”. Born in Kurdistan, he is a US citizen and has lived in the US for more than 35 years. He currently works as a speaker and business consultant for the Middle East region where he hopes to some day assist in the establishment of an “Economic Union” in the area spanning from Pakistan to Turkey and from Kurdistan to the former Soviet Union. He can be reached at:

Copyright © 2012


21 Responses to PKK is under the spotlight in Syria
  1. Ruuzh
    July 29, 2012 | 10:40

    The above mentioned Kurdish democratic party in Syria was until a few weeks ago supporting the Syrian regime and I think PKK has also had close ties with the Asad regime all along. I don’t think they accurately and daily represent the will of Kurds there. Enough of ideologies speaking for the Kurdish rights. Once the Kurdish region there is completely liberated let them freely pick personnel to represent them in the future free Syria. They must learn from the Iraqi Kurdistan mistakes. PKK is nothing better than the KDP or PUK.

  2. Suleiman
    July 29, 2012 | 10:43

    PKK with its communist roots doesn’t go along with the deep roots and culture of Kurds. Kurds of Syria deserve better.

  3. Qubad Mansoor
    July 29, 2012 | 15:22

    What has the PKK done for the Kurds and what is their program/agenda? For many man years, all they do is hurt Kurds more than they hurt enemies. Attack Kurds in Badinani Kurdistan in Iraq, attack own villages in Turkish Kurdistan. Go to Turkey and ask the regular Kurd there if they like PKK they will say they hate but sometimes they have no choice. PKK has no morals and no laws they go by in life and Kurds can’t trust them with their future.

    • Pete Shield
      July 31, 2012 | 18:34

      The problem is have these areas actually been liberated or are the PYD acting as caretakers for their masters in Syrian Intelligence while the Assad regime pulls its troops back to fight the FSA?

      Now of course the PYD/PKK may be playing the long game, sign the Hewler agreements to form the Kurdish Supreme Council to keep the KRG off their backs, agree to occupy the Kurdish cities,bully the KNC parties out of the way, keep the FSA out in the name of Kurdish autonomy and await the result of the civil war.

      If the Assad falls then they have de facto autonomy, as they say in English possession is 2/3rd of the law.

      If the regime survives then the PKK continues to receive support and has won itself major points with a thankful Assad.

      Also of course it may be an act of self-preservation by the PKK, an estimated third of the PKK’s cadre are Syrian Kurds, ‘encouraged’ by the Syrian regime to take they patriotic feelings else where. With what is going on in Syria they may be tempted to abandon the fight against Turkey and return home to take part in the future of a Syrian Kurdish entity.

      On the other hand now is probably one of the worse times in recent history for a new Syrian kurdish entity to stick its head above the parapet. The tension between the KRG leadership and the central government in Iraq is rapidly reaching a point of no return.

      The last thing Baghdad is in favour of is another autonomous Kurdish state.

      Turkey, which is getting very excited about the potential topple of a long term regional opponent not least because it removes a key supporter of the PKK, is not going to tolerate a PYD overt presence for long. The Turks may hold their hand for as long as the UN continues to stick with a non-intervention strategy- however if the regime falls and the PYD stay then I think we can rapidly expect to see a PKK ‘atrocity’/attack that the Turks will claim came from a PKK armed section based in Western Kurdistan, and a rapid and painful military action to remove the PYD/PKK and replaced by KRG trained peshmerga. The images on the net of PYD armed cadre patrolling streets indicates, to me at least, that the PYD does not have much in the way of resources to fight anything but a guerilla campaign- no match for the forces that could be ranged against them.

  4. Cozen
    July 31, 2012 | 16:49

    Three comments above is the reason why a greater Kurdistan will never be. PKK is 100% times better than PUK and KDP. It’s a shame if all kurds were united there would have been a Kurdistan deacades ago.

  5. Patriotic Kurd
    July 31, 2012 | 21:42

    Just because you are Kurd doesn’t mean you have a free pass to lead Kurds. PKK working with Asad is just like KDP working with Saddam in 1995 and PUK dealing with Saddam in the 1970s.

  6. Suleiman
    July 31, 2012 | 23:48

    How are you going to unite all the Kurds when they have so many different ideologies and affiliations. Just look at the tiny Ieaqi Kurdistan and tell me if free liberated Kurds have been able to liberate themselves from the Sorani vs Badinani sensitivities ? 20 years free and still prisoners of backward thinking. Moreover, current Kurish parties are willing to shift their policies any possible direction just to attain their goals. Look st how KDP brought Saddam inside Kurdish territories to drive PUK out. Look how PUK is yet to openly oppose the corrupted Maliki simply because PUK is devoted to Iran. And you see the disgraced PKK willing to put their hands in the hands of a dirty dictator like Asad just so they can gain done power? Where ate the true Kurdish principles if honesty and dedication to righteousness.

  7. Cozen
    August 1, 2012 | 15:30


    ‘disgraced PKK willing to put their hands in the hands of a dirty dictator like Asad just so they can gain done power?’

    You mean they shouldn’t and let the KNC gain power and be a puppet for Turkey thats much worse than dealing with Asad.
    time comes where you have to rub shoulders with your enemy for greater good.

    pkk dealing with asad is not the same as kdp dealing with saddam how is it when they were killing your fellow countrymen.
    lets not go into operation hammer and dawn…
    Next you will be tellin me Gaddafi was a dictator.

  8. Qubad Mansoor
    August 2, 2012 | 02:45

    what are you trying to say? Assad is better than the Turkish regime? If so, then you are either mentally challenged or so biased that you choose to be blind from the truth. KDP dealing with Saddam same as PKK dealing with Assad, and that is what majority of Kurds feels. If both Syria and Turkey are enemies, why do you choose to rub shoulders with Syria and not Turkey? Please don’t tell me you are another Israeli who wants to spill your poison here. We Kurds don’t want to get involved in your war with Turkey.

  9. Cozen
    August 2, 2012 | 08:34

    OK so your saying Turkish regime is better then Assad haha if you was a real kurd you should know Turkey is kurds no1 enemy.

    DP dealing with Saddam same as PKK dealing with Assad, and that is what majority of Kurds feels.

    -Majority of kurds?? did u carry out a survey ?? I’m sure PKK enyjoys more support from kurds more than kdp or any other kurdish party.

    Dont come with your crap about me being Israeli , kurds like u are the cause why we dont have a country.

  10. Suleiman
    August 2, 2012 | 09:42

    Dear Cozen
    Turkey indeed is enemy of Kurds but you won’t find a logical human being on this earth who would tell you Turkey regime is worse than Asad regime. Asad is killing thousands of his own people in just a week. Only Hitler and Saddam did this much destruction before. But I respect your feeling and you are entitled to your own opinion, but also don’t generalize indicating that’s how all Kurds feel. Finally, Turkey at least allows Kyrds to represent in Parliament now tell me can a Kurd in Syria even go to college if they say they are Kurds? I hope you think deep to know who the real enemies are.

  11. Cozen
    August 2, 2012 | 12:45

    ‘Turkey at least allows Kyrds to represent in Parliament–‘ you mean in prison

    ‘I hope you think deep to know who the real enemies are–‘ i know who the enemies are course i do everyone and yet still kurds are not united.

    ‘Turkey indeed is enemy of Kurds but you won’t find a logical human being on this earth who would tell you Turkey regime is worse than Asad regime Asad is killing thousands of his own people in just a week.’ Sure his killed his people but come on majority of the FSA are all al qadea insurgents that infiltrated from across the border same thing happened in Libya I’m not defending asad at all he defiently needs to go But as a whole picture Turkey in general with the history they got against kurds,armenians etc. and still till now abusing and killing under a ‘Secular’ Turkey is much worse

  12. Kurd
    August 2, 2012 | 18:33

    you are absolutely insane to say the majority of Syrians killed by Asad are Al Qaida isurgents. What do you have to say about the masses of children and women being killed? You definitely carry an ideology which doesn’t want Asad removed and also hates Turkey. I can only think of one regional force that combines the two: and that is Israel. Come out of your skin. You have definitely betrayed humanity and insulted the people of Syria by claiming Asad mostly has killed Qaida isurgents. You are nuts and have no way to connect with what is actually happening in Syria. Furthermore, why are you making ignorant comments about Turkey and its Kurds. I said Turkey allows Kurds to represent in the parliament, and that is a reality which you couldn’t deny so you went to make stupid comments about prison. You definitely are not a Kurd and not a Middle Easterner with the claims you are making so come out of your skin.

  13. Suleiman
    August 2, 2012 | 18:35

    Cozen demonstrated his ignorance and lack of comprehension of the Middle East crises. You will only sing what your masters put in your ears and you know who they are.

  14. Hamma Mirwaisi
    August 2, 2012 | 20:47

    This article is about “who will give us Kurds true Democratic system and rule of laws”

    We do understand after twenty years that Thieves like “Barzani and Talabani” are not going to give us that chance, to be treated like human being period.

    Is PKK giving Kurds such chance or not?
    Time will tell.

    We Kurds used to have “Civilization 12,000 years ago”, that civilization produced Dyako, General Harpagoes and Cyrus the Great.

    President Thomas Jefferson of America helped to write American constitution. He used knowledge of federalism from King of Lycia General Harpagoes and human values from Emperor Cyrus the Great of Median Empire to write such constitution.

    That constitution helped America to be super power in 200 years.

    Is PKK leadership knows we Kurds had such civilization or not?

    We know by now Massoud Barzani and Jalal Talabani are building wild west for Kurds with help from Turkey and Iran.

    Is PKK using Chinese philosophy for us to rule us Kurds or using our own Kurdish heritage philosophy above to build us country like the USA with constitution and rule of laws.

    That was my question in the article.

  15. Cozen
    August 2, 2012 | 22:09

    If you know my masters whos your master i wonder..

    I said Turkey allows Kurds to represent in the parliament, and that is a reality which you couldn’t deny so you went to make stupid comments about prison– stupid comments the only thing stupid here is you whats the point being in parliament when arresting and dumping officals in prison for speaking or writing kurdish i’m 100% kurdish but i dont need to explain myself defient;y more nationlistic then you are by judging by the comments u make

    What i dont understand your on tis kurdish website yet you all slaggin off all the kurdish party out there makes u wonder who the hell your supporting like i sid whos your master!

  16. Kurd
    August 3, 2012 | 04:19

    my master is my God and my principle in life is my Kurdish heritage and the fact that I have to say the truth where I see it. I am a Kurd, yet I am not going to put my hands in the hands of a dictator like Asad who kills and tortures kids and innocent women and babies, just because I want to reach my goal of independence at any cost. We have not been able to reach our independence all these years and decades simply because of mentalities like yourself by basically losing dignity and principles and willing to step on any principle in life just to reach our goals. One day we are friends with Turkey, next day we beg Iran, then we put hands in Asad’s hands, and lets not forget Saddam before anything else. When we are willing to sell ourselves to anyone just to reach our goals we become a game in the hands of others. I will leave you with one simple question: If Asad is able to crush the current revolution in Syria, do you think he will still let the Kurds and PKK rule the Kurdish area in Syria? Use your brain before you throw words on the internet.

  17. Cozen
    August 3, 2012 | 09:37

    If Asad is able to crush the current revolution in Syria, do you think he will still let the Kurds and PKK rule the Kurdish area in Syria? Use your brain before you throw words on the internet.– Course he will cause the country won’t be the same again it will be another iraq with deadly sucide bombings everyday he wont have time to deal with kurds thats the bargaing chip the PYD played either way there will be autonomy for kurds in syria if assad surivies or not.PYD are not stupid or cowardly like u say its funny calling them cowardly from behind a desk.

    yet I am not going to put my hands in the hands of a dictator like Asad who kills and tortures kids and innocent women and babies, –erm first wake up from your dream tell me who the hell has the kurds got to put their hands with Turkey? USA? Israel? dont gimme that crap those countries are much worse than syria, you just see the news on tv and believe it you aint got the slightest of idea how the world works.

    I leave you with a question whats your theory on independence? Just sit by idling??

  18. Kurd
    August 3, 2012 | 14:02

    my theory of independence is having a fixed set of values and going towards them, even if it takes hundreds of years. Kurds have been tools in the hands of the British, USA, Israel, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, and the Sovients for many decades. If you read our history, you will find that at any given time, the Kurds were used by one of the above forces against another force which they had conflicts with at that time. And the equation keeps changing. Now, tell me of the above forces, which one has actually benefited the Kurds? The only way Kurds will actually survive is if they put their brain together and try to coexist with the other ethnicities within their own states: just like the Kurds in Iraq. Form your own regional government within a bigger state and don’t let your rights go away. But that has to happen with sincere leadership, not what we have currently with KDP and PUK. Also, if the Syrian Kurds are going to build their forces, they should not rely on the Kurds of Turkey, mainly PKK forces, to build their power because we all know PKK will only do what is good for them and IN TURKEY, and hence continue to operate against Turkey within the Syrian Kurdish lands, which will lead to Turkey attacking the Syrian Kurds—Just like it has been happening to the Iraqi Kurdistan.

    This dream of a bigger unified Kurdistan is not possible at this point, mainly because the Kurds themselves are not ready for it. Try it and tell me if KDP, PUK, and PKK will be able to coexist???

    Again, I am going to tell you, Cozen, that PKK in Syria is a big mistake and the Syrian Kurds will end up paying for it.

  19. Cozen
    August 5, 2012 | 11:56

    ‘? The only way Kurds will actually survive is if they put their brain together and try to coexist with the other ethnicities within their own states: just like the Kurds in Iraq. Form your own regional government within a bigger state and don’t let your rights go away’ –What you on about if all four parts of Kurdistan had autonomy do you think the PKK would be still in the mountains. If PKK dropped their campaign and decided to go parlament like the Turks want and im assuming you want aswell because of you lack of support for any kurdish party how long you think we would have to wait till autonomy that is if they let us have it.

    if the Syrian Kurds are going to build their forces, they should not rely on the Kurds of Turkey, mainly PKK forces, to build their power because we all know PKK will only do what is good for them and IN TURKEY, and hence continue to operate against Turkey within the Syrian Kurdish lands, which will lead to Turkey attacking the Syrian Kurds—Just like it has been happening to the Iraqi Kurdistan. — Time will tell if PKK would attack turkey from Syrian kurdish lands i dont think they will jeopardize kurdish autonomy just to attack Turkey, Turkey won’t attack the Syrian kurds unless its got a motive in the eyes of the international media i wont be suprised if they convinnce the other kurdish parties under the influence of Barzani to get rid of PYD in kurdish areas. You really think the other kurdish partys can obtain Autonomy with SNC Turkey made the SNC. They’ll probably allow 1 state run kurdish channel and call it democracy.

    that PKK in Syria is a big mistake and the Syrian Kurds will end up paying for it. ‘ PKK to achieve what they have done in syria must have considerable support from kurdish people there. No kurdish party got nothing on PKK.

  20. Baran
    October 2, 2012 | 23:02

    The Jews all migrated to Israel and declared a state there and the whole world recognized it. Why don’t we just do the same as they did. Iraq is definitely falling apart regardless of how much Turkey wants to prevent it. Just send the Turkmens in Iraq to Turkey in exchange for the Kurds in Turkey and we’ll have a large population and a non violent Turkey which wont be hellbent on destroying us. The population will be hegemonous and we’ll have a powerful ally. Why hasn’t anybody though of this yet?

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