‘Our future generations will not be ashamed’ – Leyla Zana at 1st World Kurdish Congress

Leyla Zana

World Kurdish Congress Press Release:

The first World Kurdish Congress was held in Rotterdam October 7-9th with the participation of representatives from twenty countries. Leyla Zana, MP from the Turkish Parliament, opened the Congress with a speech that moved many in the audience to tears. She said: “Often when I think about the Kurdish situation, I ask myself which is better for a nation: to have their own country but oppress others or to be without a country and never oppress others.” Zana added, “It is true we have faced many difficulties but what the Kurds should be proud of is that 100 years from now, our future generations will not have to be ashamed or apologize for oppressing others.”

For the first time in history, Kurdish and non-Kurdish scientists, businessmen, academicians and politicians – including the spokesperson on foreign affairs for the Socialist Party of the Netherlands, Harry von Bommel – attended the Congress.

The Congress received financial support from participants and donations. Financial and moral support from Nechirvan Barzani was crucial for the organization and success of the Congress.

The theme of the 2011 World Kurdish Congress was to investigate the places that science and culture occupy in the future progress of Kurdistan. Presentations covered a wide range of areas including: general, mental and social health, education, politics and governance, economics, business and management, political movements, the role of women in development and language, and the role of culture and music.

A British delegate said the following: “Many Kurdish people would have been proud to have witnessed the events of the 1st World Kurdish Congress. The aspirations of Kurdish people from all parts of Kurdistan were further realized as Kurds and non-Kurds brought their talents, knowledge and experience to bear upon the issues that face Kurdistan. It was fascinating to hear from a range of perspectives, from the creative arts, psychology, historical review, political science, health and education; all considering the question of how Kurdistan can become a united, stable and progressive society. It was very apparent that the road towards realizing this vision is long and fraught with difficulties, but the Congress has proved to be another important step on that journey. Without ‘hope’ it is hard to embark on any great endeavour, so it was deeply satisfying to see how the Congress played its part in fanning the flames of hope once again.”

At the finale of the Rotterdam WKC, the organizers announced that the second World Kurdish Congress will be held in Copenhagen on October 11-14, 2012.


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