By GUE/NGL (European United Left/Nordic Green Left European Parliamentary Group):
This morning the President of the European Parliament, Mr Martin Shulz, met Mrs Leyla Zana – European Parliament Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought holder and Member of the Turkish Parliament – in Strasbourg. They discussed the political situation in Turkey and the Kurdish issue.You can see some video images of the meeting here.
Mrs Zana will participate today at 1600 hours* in an official and online Press Conference in the European Parliament, Strasboug, hosted by MEP Jürgen Klute, Coordinator of the European Parliament – Kurds Friendship Group.
She will present the outcome of her very positive meeting with the EP President. Also present will be Mr Nigat Enayeti, one of the fifteen Kurdish hunger strikers in Strasbourg, and Mr Bernard Revellon, spokeperson for the supporting commitee.
On March 1st, fifteen Kurds from several European countries joined an ongoing and indefinite hunger strike in Strasbourg, started by 400 other political prisoners in Turkey in mid-February. The fifteen people on hunger strike in Strasbourg’s Saint Maurice Church have been fasting for 48 days now.
A delegation of Members of European Parliament will today meet the hunger strikers in Strasbourg, to convey them a message of support and solidarity.
You can follow the Press Conference live (with a version in English) at 1600 hours* via this site:
*Strasbourg time = GMT + 2 hours