Kurdistan heads towards a totalitarian regime

By Kamal Chomani:

Announcing the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) National Security Council was the last nail in the coffin of Kurdistan’s democracy and claims of reform.

Alas, what the hell is going on in Kurdistan politics?

The danger of any totalitarian regimes is that they shape rules and state institutions to legalize their undemocratic plans and ambitions. Surprisingly, the two ruling parties, Kurdistan Democratic Party and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, are doing what the former – overthrown – totalitarian regimes previously did in the Middle East.

From now on, the life of any critical journalist and activist and any serious opponent of the two ruling families of Kurdistan is in peril – although it was in danger before, now it has become more so.

The newly-formed National Security Council is the real threat to Kurdistan’s people and its democracy.

Why is it a real threat?

When the law for forming the National Security Council was discussed in Parliament, the opposition parties had boycotted the sessions. The view about this law came from one side only, the majority bloc. This was during the period of Kurdistan’s rage and protests in which a dozen were killed and hundreds injured. When the MPs were discussing this law, they were so much under the pressure of their politburos to lead Kurdistan towards a total state police because the two ruling parties were afraid of losing their power.

At the same time, the parliament had issued 17 points in which one point hinted that the parliament will not pass any laws if they need a national agreement amongst the political parties and public.

However, according to the law, Parliament cannot question the National Security Council!

KDP and PUK security forces have just united to blind the public’s eye and to tell their Kurdish people they are united. But a KDP Asayish still cannot transfer his job to an Asayish office in the PUK zone.

With regard to inaugurating a chancellor to the National Security Council, it is in the President of the Kurdistan Region’s authority to do this. This means the National Security Council is above being questioned by the parliament.

If Parliament cannot question the National Security Council, what can people expect from it?

For this institution, 318 billions of Iraqi Dinars have been allocated from the 2012 public budget, whereas only 450 billions of Iraqi Dinars have been allocated for projects!

The opposition parties and journalists have shown their anger towards the newly-formed National Security Council.

Adnan Othman, Gorran (Change Movement) MP declared: “Kurdistan is leading to a totalitarian system.”

Dr Shaho Sa’id, Gorran’s spokesperson, announced that: “Forming this National Security Council prepares the ground to a totalitarian police state regime that interferes in all fields of society and life.”

Bilal Sleman, Islamic Group MP, explained that: “This National Security Council is just to protect the KDP and PUK.”

He also criticized the law in which the parliament “can only decide on its budget and cannot question it.” To him, this is “doubtful because its power is bigger than any ministry’s.”

Samir Saleem, Islamic Union MP, has the same feelings as Bilal Sleman. He said that the National Security Council is just to “keep the two cantons of KDP and PUK zones.”

He elaborates that the National Security Council has been created under the light of the so-called Strategic Agreement between the KDP and PUK in which they have already decided on dividing the powers and income of Kurdistan.

Ahmed Mira, Lvin Magazine’s editor-in-chief, the main political magazine in Iraqi Kurdistan, said that: “The newly elected chancellor, Masrour Barzani should be trialed not to be given a sort of Fir’hawni powers.”

To Mira, the granting of such powers to Masrour Barzani by his father, Masoud Barzani, is not much different to what Saddam Hussein gave to his sons and Ghadafi to his sons, too.

Many people were very hopeful about the exchange of the premiership from Dr Barham Salih to Nechirvan Barzani, – hoping that Barzani might implement some reforms – but, as Kurds say, “Year by year, I wish to the yesteryear.”

I do believe that, with the formation this National Security Council, the death of reform was announced.

No more reform, but a radical change. Only a radical change can save Kurdistan!


Copyright © 2012 Kurdistantribune.com

5 Responses to Kurdistan heads towards a totalitarian regime
  1. Ari Ali
    July 10, 2012 | 09:48

    Kurdistan have been under two tiny totalitarian regimes friends with the Americans . Like Saddam and Qaddafi . The Americans save no one am afraid , they are not charity and we can not tell them who to befriend and who not . But educated people of kurdistan must act to stop this idiocy .

  2. Hamma Mirwaisi
    July 10, 2012 | 17:33

    Is totalitarianism of Barzani unknown?
    In 1963 Abraham Ahmed and his entire politburo including Jalal Talabani did announced such statements may be Kamal Chomani as young Kurdish journalist is not aware of it, but we lived through. We know that group of Kurds formed “Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)” in the name of Mullah Mustafa Barzani to fool Kurdish people then. And told Kurdish people this is Barzani’s party because no one was following them.
    Mullah Mustafa born as dictator and he never believed in political parties organization but he was known by Kurds as revolutionary, fighting for Kurdish people right.
    We Know Massoud Barzani grow up with his Grandfather from his mother side. Mahmud Agah Zebari was famous Kurdish traitor, Massoud Barzani come out like his own Grandfather and his uncles too. Massoud Barzani is known by majority of Kurdish people as traitor, corrupt and supporter of Jash. But most of traitor’s among Kurds are following him.
    The Kurds lost 182,000 thousand people in Anfal, most of them came from Jaff Tribe, only in city of Halabjah Jaff tribe lost 5000 people, and 99 % was from Jaff tribe.
    Massoud Barzani bring back the remains of 8000 barzani with respect, while 80 % of them were traitors (Jash) including the members of his family. They were part of Saddam Hussein forces.
    Every members of Jaff tribe should be ashamed for not having respect like Barzani traitors whom die as traitors but Jaff die as civilian.
    The Kurdish people know very well that Barzani families are not democrat. And they followed them to make living. But the thing hurt most is Jalal Talabani who used Kurds to bring them democratic system and rule of laws. We all know what he did since he is President of Iraq.
    The questions are? Is Kak Newsherawian Mustafa will do the same to us Kurds? He used to be close friend of Jalal Talabani, we should watch him and not follow him blindly.
    The smart people will learn from past mistakes. We Kurds not friend of reading or researching, we live day by day without looking back to past. The people without past is the people without independent country.

  3. Soran
    July 12, 2012 | 08:24

    Kaka Kamal,
    We seem to start from a pont where other people ending!! It is mind boggling when you see other totalitarian regimes falling one after another and it seems the process it just about begin in Kurdistan. These people don’t need to read history as we are witnessing a new dawn unfolding as we speak. I look at the Kurdish library and still fail to see an objective assessment of the Kurdish movement and its objectives. The result of what is called September revolution in 1961 was the fall of Qasim and the rise of Bath party .50 years later Mr Barzani the son was about to do something similar by bringing back the old Bathits to power ,fortunately this did not happen on this occasions.

  4. Mahabad
    July 12, 2012 | 23:50

    Kak Ari you are very correct. We Kyrds are naive and believe everything we are told by others. Our entire history is full of disappointments, treason, support of dictators and lack if morals during power times. The Kurdish movement failed in the 1970s and if you ask the people who lived that time they will tell you that the Kurdush officials, most if which on the KDP side and Barzani clan, abused power, did lots

  5. Sami
    July 12, 2012 | 23:59

    Mr Rubin,
    You are a smart man with experience in the political arena. What turned Massud into a dictator is the West themselves, including USA. Now that they are no longer beneficial to the West, or are dealing with Tyrkey, they are suddenly expendable. We know our history and dictators better than any academician out there.

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