Erdogan backs Barzani in his war with Maliki‏

News and Comment by The Kurdistan Tribune:

Barzani and Erdogan

Barzani and Erdogan

The political war embroiling the Iraq government and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) sharpened when Iraq vice-president Hashimi was granted refuge in Kurdistan. But Iraq prime minister Maliki’s accusations against Kurdistan Regional president Barzani, and Barzani ‘s complaints about Maliki, went nowhere. Observers spoke of a war of words between two corrupt parties.

It looked like a protracted tennis match, with the ball served and returned and sent back and forth across the court without either player gaining advantage.

Iraq president Talabani’s attempts at mediation achieved nothing.

Barzani’s visit to the USA and his attempt to win support from the American administration gained publicity but no concrete action so far from the US State Department.

However, Barzani’s visit to Turkey over the past three days has produced immediate results. Today the prime minister of Turkey accused the Maliki government of stirring ethnic conflict while, in a statement issued by his office, Maliki has condemned Erdogan for intervening in Iraqi’s affairs.

It is clear that Turkey’s prime minster is backing Barzani and we should discover the reasons for this in the coming days and weeks.

So Barzani is winning the war in the region –  but can he win the hearts and minds of his people in the south of Kurdistan?

Copyright © 2012

2 Responses to Erdogan backs Barzani in his war with Maliki‏
  1. Kurd
    April 21, 2012 | 02:00

    Barzani is an agent of Turkish Milli İstihbarat Teşkilatı( MİT). Talabani is employed by Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

    We necessitate a new leader who can make Kurdistan independent and self-sufficient.

    Lots of changes will soon loom in S.Kurdistan. Fellow-citizens, be patient.

  2. Haval
    April 21, 2012 | 11:00

    Sudan presedent Omar Albashir threatens to eliminate leaders of the south,can he do it ? of course not because South of Sudan they have their own state.The same for the kurds ,unless we have our own state everday we can be threatens by peoples like Maliki etc.

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