Category Archives: Syria

Defend Rojava: Too Great to Fail

By Arian Mufid: Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria in 2011, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) had a chance to use their influence in the North of Syria, in Kurdistan. In that respect they sent out their senior members to strengthen an organisation akin to PKK. In 2011, the PYD – a…

Unity Talks Among Syrian Kurds; A Way Forward

By Junaid Jamali: Over the course of the nine-year Syrian civil war, the Kurds in Syria have paid exorbitant prices in military and social terms. In 2018 and 2019, they lost the regions of Afrin, Ras al-Ain/Sari Kani and Gire Spi/Tell Abyad to Turkey and Turkish-backed militias, resulting in the displacement of most Kurdish residents…

Open Letter to UK Foreign Secretary: on NATO, Turkish Invasion of North-East Syria, Human Rights Violations & War Crimes

By Peace in Kurdistan: Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP Foreign Secretary Foreign and Commonwealth Office Dear Foreign Secretary Ref. Turkish invasion of North-East Syria – human rights violations and war crimes As NATO heads meet in Downing Street today to discuss the Turkish invasion of North-East Syria among other matters, we write to emphasise the…

Turkish State Relations with the Terrorist Organization ‘Daesh’

Introduction to document issued by Department of Foreign Relations, Self-Administration of North-East Syria: The policies of Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan and his interventions in the Syrian and Iraqi affairs, raised many questions in the region, as well, several European media and the Turkish opposition have published about the relationship between Turkish President Erdogan and the…

Impending Turkish Genocide Against Syrian Kurds

By Rauf Naqishbendi: President Trump has repeated his promise to end the endless wars. Let us examine who fomented these endless wars. Surely, it was America’s invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, causing more than a half a million lives lost in Iraq and trillions of taxpayers’ dollars squandered. In Iraq, more than ten thousand Americans were…

Kurds Condemn CAIR-LA Hosting Event in Support of the Turkish Invasion of Rojava (North and East Syria) 

Southern California Kurds in Defense of Rojava and US citizens condemn 23 annual CAIR-LA banquet sponsored by Turkish Airlines The Southern California Committee in Defense of Rojava ( North and East of Syria)  in response to the Turkish military invasion of  Rojava will hold a demonstration in front of Anaheim Hilton Hotel on November 2nd from 4:00-7:30 PM to protest…

Erdogan Should be Put on Trial for War Crimes in Rojava

By Mohammed Sabir Karim: It is widely reported that phosphorus weapons have been used as part of the Turkish aggression against the population of the north of Syria. According to the Geneva convention, white phosphorus can only be used in grenades, air munitions and artillery shells, for instance,  for smoke-screening purposes.  But Turkey has used it…

World Silence on Turkish Aggression Against Rojava

By Arian Mufid: The Turkish aggression received a green light from Trump when he abruptly decided to withdraw US forces from the north of Syria (Rojava). It’s hard to look at what the Trump administration has done and not conclude that it is an utter betrayal of the Kurds in the north of Syria. Kurds…

The Restoration of Syria

By Dr Jan Best de Vries: This is my last contribution to The Kurdistan Tribune. The political solution for the conflict in Syria will be a partition into three administrative zones with regional autonomy. A threefold partition, that is: in the East towards the Tigris the Sunnite Arab tribes, in the West the Sjiite Alawites…

Throw Turkey and Iran Out of Syria First!

By Rebwar Rashed: On the New Year’s Eve of 1977 Iran was “an island of stability in one of the more troubled areas of the world” according to President Carter while he spent the night at the Shah’s palace and toasted his success. The so-called Iranian Revolution was a reality less than two years later….

Open Letter to President Emmanuel Macron of France

By Arian Mufid: The invasion of Afrin by the Turkish military state has caused many tragedies. You must have smelt the blood of Afrin’s people even though Afrin is a thousand miles away from Paris. You must have smelt the destruction; smelt the destruction of hundreds of buildings and apartments as the people were not…

Defend Afrin! National Demo, London, Sat 31 March, 2pm

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An Open Letter to the Czech Republic and Interpol on Mr. Saleh Moslem

By Rebwar Rashed: Honorable gentlemen, Mr. President Miloš Zeman, Mr. Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, Mr. President of Interpol Meng Hongwei and Mr. Secretary General Jürgen Stock of Interpol Mr. Saleh Moslem was detained in Prague 24th February as answer to a “red notice” issued by the Turkish state to the Interpol. He was released on…

Open Letter of Protest to the Spokesperson of the Czech Foreign Ministry

Dear Miss Michaela Lagronová: We, members of the Kurdish Communities in California express our utmost outrage at the illegal arrest of the prominent Kurdish leader, Mr. Saleh Muslim by your police in Prague on Feb 24, 2018. Mr. Muslim is a veteran human rights activist, a leading Kurdish intellectual, and a strategist whose diplomatic endeavors…

Impending Attack on Afrin: Letter to UN Secretary-General 

By Dr Amir Sharifi: Letter to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres Dear Mr. Guterres I am ouraged by the Turkish government’s war propaganda and impending attack against Kurds in Syria, particularly, Afrin, and a city of about one million residents. I am certain that you are aware of the grave situation; however, I am alarmed…