Kurdistan remembers Serdasht Osman

News and Comment by the  Kurdistan Tribune:

Serdasht commemoration, Erbil (Photo - Hawlati)

Serdasht commemoration, Erbil (Photo - Hawlati)

The second anniversary of Serdasht Osman’s murder was commemorated today at events across south Kurdistan.

In his home city of Erbil, a group of journalists from all the local newspapers held a seminar. This was attended by a representative from the US Consulate who stated that the US government supports free journalism and reminded the Kurdistan Regional Government that it has a responsibility to protect members of the profession.

In Sulaymani thousands of students attended a rally and hundreds of writers and journalists attended meetings in the cities of Halabja, Koyia, Saidsadiq, Derbandi Xan and Kalar. These events delivered a common message to the ruling parties: As Serdasht’s friends we are adamant about freedom and we are prepared to make more sacrifices for this cause.

Sersasht’s family today told Hawlati newspaper that they will not accept any outcome from the court because they don’t believe that it is independent.

One Response to Kurdistan remembers Serdasht Osman
  1. Patrick Woodcock
    May 8, 2012 | 22:23

    Not only Kurds care about Sardasht – here is the new video from Canadian poet Patrick Woodcock – taken from his new book Echo Gods and Silent Mountains – written while living for two years in the Kurdish North of Iraq:


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