Category Archives: Independence

A Mosque in Cuba is Praying For Kurdish Freedom

By Kani Xulam: “I had a friend who was a clown,” cracked comedian Steve Wright, and when he died, “all his friends went to the funeral in one car!” That thought came to mind while watching the dizzyingly clownish shenanigans of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose staggering buffoonery may ultimately spawn Kurdish freedom. It’s…

We have the will to fight, give us the weapons to outgun ISIS: Bayan Sami Rahman

KT Report: The KRG (Kurdistan Regional Government) High Representative to the UK, Bayan Sami Rahman, told an audience in London last night that, following their recent successes in Zumar and Shingal, Kurdish peshmarga forces need more material support from the West. “We are not getting the tanks and helicopters we need to inflict a strategic…

KT under attack – and fighting back

By the Editors: The Kurdistan Tribune (KT) came under a massive ‘distributed denial of service’ (DDOS) attack last night, forcing the site offline for about 12 hours. This was not the first cyber atack on KT but it was the biggest to date. Our hosts – a major internet provider – say it was exceptionally…

The Kurds’ Crude Making Americans Cheerful

Kurdish oil

By Dr. M. Koohzad: This article first appeared on CounterPunch Americans are very happy to see the price of fuel especially gasoline falling before the beginning of the cold season. They are smiling, happy, laughing, giggling, and even shouting at prices beyond their imagination. The price of gasoline has been decreasing since April and by…

Why not Kurdistan?

By Bashdar Pusho Ismaeel: First published by Open Democracy “What is good for the goose is good for gander” – English proverb It is fast approaching 100 years since US President Woodrow Wilson issued his fourteen points at the end of the First World War. The concept of self-determination was the overriding principle that he…

Solidarity and Double Standards: Why Palestine but not Kurdistan?

By Zwan Mahmod: The Palestinian cause is well known and many, all around the world, stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. A people without a state who have been struggling for one for nearly 70 years. This support is generally underpinned by the principle of self-determination. Compare this, though, to the campaign for Kurdish independence…

Kurdistan, the State of Dream

By Bnar Jalal Ali: Kurdistan as a free, independent state has always been our motivation to fight and shed blood; our ultimate dream which has a very emotional touch to every Kurd’s sentiments. President Barzani revitalized our lost hope again, this time with the promise of international support. But should Kurds be confident of these…

Catalonia is due to declare its independence

By Solin Hacador: On Thursday, Catalonia on its National Day (11th September 1714) had a great victory in its demand of independence. I proudly participated in the demonstration to support the independence of Catalonia. I am convinced that Catalonia is ready and deserves its independence. I must admit that I admired the unification of Catalan…

Colonial tongue should not hinder Scottish independence

By Arian Mufid: More than three decade ago, in 1980, when the Zanu party won the election in Zimbabwe, the British colonialists of the day were devastated and the conservative nationalist prime minister Margret Thatcher found it very hard to accept. Zanu advocated independence and the eradication of white domination. The British had fought to…

Kurdistan Independence: Gleam of hope for Somaliland

By Mohamed Abdilahi Duale: During the last several weeks, it has become clear that the independence of Iraqi Kurdistan has been fervently debated in the political circles of the international community. This came after ISIS militants occupied many strategic towns in Iraq and the Iraqi military was not able to protect Iraqi citizens from the…

Holy borders and unholy people: the case of Kurdish independence

By Dilshad Hama: The recent American rejection of the Kurdish efforts towards independence from Iraq are mostly based on the vague idea that ‘a unified Iraq is a stronger Iraq’. The American justification has been spelled out recently by more than one person working at the State Department. I was wondering, did the Americans and…

Kurds: Signs of division?

Rahy Rahber

By Rahy Rahber: The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and its president are advising for an independent Kurdish state. The dream Kurdish history has longed for. Nevertheless, as times passes, the unity of the Kurds passes too. Undoubtedly, all the Kurds long for an independent state. Yet, according to the politics played by the political parties…

PUK must speak up for an independent Kurdistan in the South

By Mufid Abdulla: It has long been a complaint of those campaigning for an independent Kurdish state in the south of Kurdistan that the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) leaders are reluctant to speak out publicly in favour of Independence and indeed, privately, some PUK leaders say this is because they don’t want the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)…

An Address to the United States on Kurdish Statehood

Rauf Naqishbendi

By Rauf Naqishbendi: In his discourse with the United States Secretary of State, John Kerry, the visiting foreign minister of the Kurdistan region, Mustafa Bakir, stated, “We don’t want to stay within an Iraq that has failed. Baghdad does not accept us. Baghdad does not want us as partners. Baghdad does not want to share…

What was yesterday’s prize, became today’s burden

Evin Cheikosman

By Evin Cheikosman: In a region fraught with ethno-sectarian battles and ancestral claims to various estates, the only beacon of stability is the Kurds. Whether it be the Kurds in Syria or Iraq, they have been solid in their fight against jihadists and calculating in forming new alliances. The Peshmerge, the Kurdish army in Iraq, came…