By ANF/Rojava Report:
BDP co-President Selahattin Demirtaş yesterday addressed around a crowd of around one hundred thousand during the city’s Newroz celebrations. Demirtaş told the crowd that “every vote for the BDP means not forgetting the women and children that were beaten on the streets of Batman, to not forget the tens of thousands who have gone to prison.” Demirtaş also responded to AKP leader and Turkish PM Erdoğan’s remarks that the recently deceased 15 year old Berkin Elvan was a terrorist, saying “Batman will salute those children you call terrorists on March 30th.”
Demirtaş began his address to the crowd, which was animated despite the rain, by sending greetings to the jailed mayor of Batman Necdet Atalay, saying “from here we are sending our greetings and love to Batman Mayor Necdet Atalay who has been taken hostage as we are celebrating Newroz. Through a struggle which has seen many difficulties and sacrifices over the years you created a people’s will. There is no reason for me to explain the difficulties of this struggle for the people of Batman. You carried out this struggle. Here every party in the election may have its pledges and promises, but it is in the BDP that there is a concrete demand for freedom.”
Demirtaş also spoke against the AKP directly, saying “the AKP may build roads they made engage in corruption. There is no one more skilful than them at corruption. I salute those who have displayed posters of President Apo, because from now on no one will come here without seeing this. Every vote for the BDP means not forgetting the mothers and children that were kicked, punched, tear-gassed and beaten with clubs on the streets of Batman. It means that we have not forgotten Roboski and we will not forget. It means not forgetting the tens of thousands in prison. We have worked to build a new city. Without seeing any greenbacks, without seeing any of the money stuffed in shoe boxes we built a new city. Taking the will the people as our foundation and without betraying its values, and without taking any presents from the money men…”
The People of Batman Have Not Forgotten What The AKP Has Done
Demirtaş continued by promising not to allow the AKP to carry out more theft, saying “those chasing after the AKP in Batman only have a small ‘emotional’ reason but, excuse me, the people will not make Batman a present for you. Here unearned income and thievery is not a possibility. There is no place for thievery here, here there will be a transparent government of the people. Despite everything, despite this simple fact, and despite this disgrace which has come out in the open let those who will not abandon the AKP not forget that there is no place for you here. Batman will make you pay for every unsavory morsel you have forced the people to eat. There will be no place for you to go, no grave in which you can lie down. Mr. PM who came here and said that the Batman Municipality is not working, you can forget this but as per the wish of the people of Batman our spaces are open and our heads are held high. What is the secret, the people are the municipality.”
Demirtaş then drew attention to the BDP’s co-mayoral candidates in Batman, saying “When we elect our friends Sabri and Gülistan on March 30th their doors will be open and their phones will be on. They will only serve you, they will show respect for the will of the people and they will build a clean municipal government. Turkey is going to be very surprised on March 30th. The torches of the BDP will burn from Ardahan to Urfa. We will work for the people of Batman without pause or rest.”
Batman Will Make You Into A Dwarf
Demirtaş pointed to how PM Erdoğan has been protested in every city in Turkey and reminded the crowd of how he had called Berkin Elvan a terrorist, saying “there is no need for tapes to see the oppression and ugliness of the AKP. We were not a party that became a big party by chasing after the coattails of the Cemaat (Hizmet movement), we became a big party arm and arm with our people. Explain this hypocritical politics to all. They have nothing left to give Turkey. Every city that the PM goes he is being protested and 50 thousand people have been arrested, but 50 people can come together and attack HDP buildings. There is no job left for the security services except to protect the PM from the people and the tapes. The people knows who is of what dimensions and caliber. Now on March 30th will you come out of Batman as a big man or as a dwarf? What kind of expectation can we have for democracy and freedom from a PM whose conscience is ruined. He called Ceylan Önkol and Berkin Elvan terrorists, saying ‘he didn’t throw bread, he covered his face and threw stones.” There is not a child left who is not throwing stones against your oppression. Everywhere in Turkey children are throwing stones at you like you were a jamarat. The children are no longer playing your games and society have come to the point of explosion because of your threats and provocations. Batman will salute those children you call terrorists on March 30th.”
Following Demirtaş’s speech the Newroz celebrations continued with musical performances by the artists Servet Kocakaya, Diyar, and Hozan Dilovan.