Press Release:
Break the silence!
6th March 2016, 13:00-17:00 BBC Broadcasting House to Trafalgar Square
There is a civil war being fought in the cities and towns of southeast Turkey.
Fifty two (52) round-the-clock curfews have been imposed by the central government on Kurdish-majority communities; in some places for the last three months.
The government has used tanks, artillery, and helicopter gunships to destroy whole sections of its own cities – supplies of electricity, water and gas are cut. Hundreds are dead.
People are shot at often while waving white flags in desperate efforts to find food and water. Civilians are trapped in basements while seeking shelter from the fire and bombs; wounded people are burned alive, children shot on the streets, dead women’s bodies stripped naked for display, the Turkish state and army is engaged in a mass murderous war, not on the PKK militants, but on the civilian Kurdish population in front of the eyes of the international community, which does not dare to even condemn the atrocities.
This is a humanitarian catastrophe. The Kurds are the most effective force fighting against ISIS in the Middle East.
They advocate a secular, libertarian and gender equal, direct democracy model of governance, what could only be considered as a solution to the darkness that has shrouded the region for far too long.
Help us end the Turkish state brutality against the Kurds. Help us break the silence.
For more information and to arrange interviews contact Mark Campbell at
Website: Twitter: @stopwaronkurds
This demonstration has been called by: Stop the War on the Kurds and supported by Peace in Kurdistan, Kurdish National Congress (KNC), Stop the War Coalition, Day Mer, GIK-DER, Plan C, Revolutionary Communist Group, Left Unity, Green Party, Kurdish Community Centre, Halkevi, Roj Women’s Assembly, Kurdish Students Union, Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Resistance, Anti Fascist Network (AFN), National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC).