By the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK):
The Kurdistan National Congress (K.N.K) concluded the Consultative Meeting on the National Unity of East Kurdistan on September 16 and 17, 2017 in Stockholm, Sweden, with more than 150 members representing political parties and political groups, civil society organizations and independent figures.
On a daily basis, East Kurdistan, as well as the other occupied areas of Kurdistan, is not excluded from the looting and pressure of the occupying regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Through the sacrifice and efforts of the people in dealing with the occupation regime of Iran, the resistors have become an integral part of the history of the people’s pride.
But, expressing regret at the performance of the parties and organizations of the East of Kurdistan, it has been virtually impossible to coordinate with this movement. However, we also regularly see the cooperation of East Kurdistan with other parts of Kurdistan, which is still ongoing.
As the result of the tireless struggles of the Kurdish people against the occupation and dictatorial system, and given that the conditions of war and chaos in the Middle East are now intertwined, there is the possibility for a separate policy and military diplomacy for the people of Kurdistan. It can be emphasized that the occupiers of Kurdistan are in a state of internal and logical and global crisis, and now the East of Kurdistan must express its legitimacy in diplomacy.
To achieve this goal, it should consolidate the national unity among ethnic groups throughout the eastern part of Kurdistan from Maku town to Ilam, and other cities of Iran and Khorasan. At the same time, the ethnic groups must have their own representatives, and they should contact each other with a well-organized link in order to realize the aspirations of Kurdistan. The Party and the organizations of the East of Kurdistan are working closely together in pursuing a joint work project and practically accepting the principles of pluralism and secularism. The organized symbiosis of the party and political and civil organizations should sooner or later make the necessary steps to establish a joint leadership that through the cooperation and proximity of the parties together will not only lead to the rise of a revolutionary and nationalist movement among the people, but also it will inspire the people.
When the occupiers, despite their weaknesses and disagreements, are trying to make every effort to prevent us from reaching our goals, we must declare our nationality and establish our national unity as soon as possible and as best as we can.
The Kurdish enemies compete or compromise with each other with the aim of forcing Kurdish people into surrender. They are also trying to attract international forces from different ways to deprive Kurds of international support and solidarity and to prevent them from practising their right to national self determination or having to establish a legitimate state of their own. It is worth mentioning that only with our unity and sympathy can we break the barricade of the occupiers and arrive at the place where Kurdish people are supposed to be. In the presence of the party and the independent organizations and organizations that participated in the meeting of the East Kurdish Consultative Meeting, and based on the suggestions of all the participants, the following outcomes of the advisory meeting were expressed as a final expression of the vote and the general judgment of the audience. In particular, it will be the judgment of the general Kurdish people in Kurdistan.
- We support the independence of South Kurdistan and we condemn the threat and interference of occupiers and enemies who are against the Kurdish people’s historical and just demands.
- The participants of the meeting at the Eastern Kurdistan Consultative Meeting expressed their support for the Liberation Campaign, for Mr. Abdullah Ocalan’s release, and freedom for all other Kurdish political prisoners.
- The party and organizations and independent figures participating in the Eastern Kurdistan Consultative Meeting emphasized the strengthening and consolidation of the Kurdish national unity.
- The party and organizations and individuals participating in the Eastern Kurdistan Consultative Meeting stressed that the continuation of such meetings would be useful in strengthening and fostering national unity, while also declaring, even in the future they would love to support the Kurdish National Congress (KNK). They are committed to taking any kind of duty and responsibility.
- The participants of the meeting believe that the Party and political organizations in the East of Kurdistan should kindly and in friendly manner, with a very compassionate effort, try to complete their joint work and projects with each other.
- After gathering and as the outcome of the work and advisory meetings of the East and the South, North and West of Kurdistan, we will enter the third stage of deliberation. Our people consider these sessions to be important and look forward to seeing the results of the work with hope. We will act in accordance with their wishes and we will do our national and patriotic duties. In the course of these meetings, we want independent parties, organizations and individuals to play their role and want them to be part of the meeting. At the same time, organizations and groups that for various reasons have not been able to attend will be invited to these meetings and we will ask them to be with us in this important work. We would like to ask the Kurdish independent persons to contact the Kurdistan Provincial Kurdistan’s Committee of the KNK and to declare the conditions for their participation and accountability. We would like to let organizations such as Yarasani and Hawrami, and others, to know not to wait for the KNK’s invitations.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting send their greetings to the political resistance and all political prisoners as well and strongly supporting their struggles. Again, they support the struggle of the Kurdish youth and Kurdish women. We are inviting everybody, all together, to stay in a stronghold and join our resistance against the occupiers of Kurdistan.
- When we are working and fighting for our national unity, it is necessary to listen to and to ask Kurdish women for their views, suggestions and experience-sharing, and provide Kurdish women with a platform to make possible their full participation in all duties and activities. Their views and suggestions should be clearly visible in the Kurdish national thinking and policy.
- There should be a preparation for a draft proposal for a Rojhelat constitution, a step toward having laws and regulations to protect the individual rights of Kurdish people. Efforts to compile foundations of democratic and secular powers must be taken.
- The party and organizations and independent figures participating in the Eastern of Kurdistan Consultative Meeting ask the political forces of East Kurdistan to participate in all activities together, which puts pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this case we will be consistent and coherent in supporting the political prisoners, fighting the executions, and maintaining opposition to the daily assassination of Kurdistan political and civil activists.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting are openly supporting all kinds of segments in eastern Kurdistan.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting consider the selflessness and coexistence of different groups within the Kurdistan community with their own beliefs is a guarantor of the general wellbeing and peace of mind and the foundation of building a healthy and democratic society for the future of Kurdistan.
- As the Participants in the Eastern Kurdistan Consultative Meeting, we are required to sign a pledge on behalf of all political parties and organizations that civil war between the parties and organizations is to be recognized as the Red Line. Any upcoming problem has to be solved through a democratic and open dialogue. It is also agreed that none of the political parties should have the right to speak on behalf of the people of Kurdistan and they have no right to go into negotiation with the central government alone.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting asks the government and authorities in the South (KRG) and West of Kurdistan (Rojawa) to build and prepare their politics and governance structures to be based on mutual national interests of the people of Kurdistan and to let the people’s natural relations goes on its natural path, preserving the achievements of the people of the South and West of Kurdistan.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting recommend that the political parties and organizations pursue self-criticism and constructive criticism and do not prevent people from freedom of expression.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting have emphasized on their support for hard working people, laborers and specifically the “Kolbers”.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting emphasized on the common and mutual interests of the Kurdish people in different countries and unanimously declared that no part of Kurdistan should prevent the other/ others activities in their fight and struggle against their occupiers.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting emphasized that the struggle and the efforts of the people of Kurdistan should not become part of the project and the interests of global and regional powers.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting emphasized and stressed the need for the support and alignment of other liberation and progressive movements.
- The Participants in this advisory/ conciliatory meeting recommended the need to create one or two committees to organize and regulate diplomatic activities between the Kurdish political parties and independent individuals for the purpose of working together, especially to work for the human rights of the people of Kurdistan.
- The Rojhelat of Kurdistan currently under the Iranian state’s suppression doesn’t enjoy any political rights and that includes a media of its own. The people of Rojehelat therefore turn to media outside of Iran. Unfortunately, there is very limited media which concerns Rojhelat. The Rojhelat issue is therefore usually subordinated to the media of other parts of Kurdistan. We recommend and shall work for a free Kurdish media which could express and reflect the democratic public opinion and a media that is reliable and gives more facts and serious input to the people.
By holding this dialogue and consulting with political parties, civil organizations, NGOs and independent individuals, we conclude that we will achieve a historical value. Our people in Kurdistan are looking forward and welcoming these kinds of political, diplomatic and democratic activities with a positive view. Accordingly we have to take our responsibility and feel responsible for our people.
In this regard, we call on all political parties and organizations, independent personalities, intellectuals, writers, scholars and compassionate activists, activists of the Kurdistan Liberation Movement to participate in this struggle with us, to demonstrate their political tolerance and democratic principle. Kurdish internal problems, which usually look and seem bigger than they are, must be solved accordingly.
In the course of this struggle we are confident that we will win and we are hoping to restore our confidence to trust each other and strengthen the hopes and aspirations of the people of Kurdistan. Without any doubts, the future is ours.
- The Kurdistan National Congress/KNK
The Consultative Meeting on the National Unity of East Kurdistan on September 16 and 17, 2017 in Stockholm