KT News and Comment:
Masud Barzani’s older sister Jahida has passed away in a Tehran hospital and her husband, Ayoub Barzani, has been barred from her funeral because of his political differences with the president.
Jahida’s remains have been brought back to Kurdistan and she is being buried in the town of Barzan.
Ayoub Barzani is the son of Babo, the brother of Masud’s father, Mustafa Barzani. Ayoub is also brother of Baqi Barzani who, together with Abdumasawar Barzani, is generally supporting the opposition’s efforts to shift the centre of power in the south of Kurdistan away from the Barzani family.
Ayoub and his brothers have been open with the people of Kurdistan about their views. They do not hold any personal grudges with Masud Barzani’s family, just political differences. Ayoub and Baqi are intellectuals who have lived abroad for a long time and this has opened up their minds and shaped their thinking about what is best for Kurdistan.
The ostracism of Ayoub illustrates the Barzani family’s blind hatred for any clan member who is seen not to be totally loyal.
Copyright © 2013 Kurdistantribune.com
this website seems more like a bias anti KDP news outlet than a non-bias independent news sources. every article is an attack aginst the KDP and appraisal of the opposition and the PKK. please avoid bias and be a little more critical of all political factions in kurdistan not just the KDP.
Halmat I think you will find that much of the Southern Kurdistan media is already publishing KDP propaganda. There no need for another propaganda tool of the KDP.