The faculty of Kurdish studies of the college of languages at the university of Sulaimaniyah in partnership with the District Directorate of Penjwen, is organising a conference about the great Kurdish poet of the locality of Penjwen, Mufti Penjweni, on 18th and 19th of August 2018.
Aims and Objectives
- To harness and foster intellectual and cultural currents in Penjwen.
- To perpetrate and flourish the high standing of the notable intellectuals.
- To decipher and analyse Mufti’s efforts and to depict the era and the situations that he lived through and to increase awareness of his work amongst the new generation.
- To examine the efforts that the poet undertook in his stride to awaken the Kurdish society.
- A special aim of this conference is to interface the university with its surrounding and the wider peripheries and to revive the cultural aspect by utilising the academic prowess of the university.
Themes of the Conference:
First; Mufti Penjweni’s Poetry Thymes.
- The poetic lingua and artistry of his poetry.
- Social and religious reforms in Mufti Penjweni’s poetry.
- Issues of homeland and nation in his poetry.
- Issues of women and its reflection in Mufti’s poetry.
- Any other subject connected to his poetry.
Second: Social Themes.
- The hidden and undocumented aspects of the poet’s life.
- The prevailing cultural ethos in Penjwen of the time and its influences on the poet.
Preconditions of Participation:
The researches must:
- Be adherent to the recognized scientific and academic research criteria and it must be unpublished beforehand or previously taken part in any conference.
- To cover one or more of the conference’s thymes.
- To be subject to scientific evaluation before allowing it to take part or not.
- To be written in Kurdish, Arabic or English languages.
- To include a summary that is written in all three, Kurdish, Arabic and English, languages.
- To include, on the first page, the author’s full name, academic credentials, contact numbers and email addresses and to have a C.V. attached to it.
- To be printed on A4 pages and not to exceed 25 pages.
- The author, when producing the research paper, should abide by the regulations of Zankoy Slemani, the university’s periodic, section B.
Important Deadlines:
- The deadline to accept titles and summaries is 15/06/2018.
- The deadline to receive the finished articles is 01/08/2018.
- Authors would be notified of the acceptance of their articles by 10/08/2018.
For information and submission of research papers please contact or
You could also contact 009647731603034, 009647701586912 or 009647701903777.
- The location of the conference is in Kurdistan Region-Sulaimaniyah Province – Penjwen District.
- The approved research papers shall be published in Zankoy Slemani, the university of Sulaimaniyah’s periodic, section B.
- It is possible to count the publication of the papers towards academic merits.
- The organizing committee shall provide accommodation and substance for the duration of the conference
Conference Website:
Penjwen Scientific Conference
Organising Committee:
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Radha Hassan Hussein, President of the University of Sulaimaniyah.
- Mr Zana Rahman Rahim, Penjwen District Chief Executive.
Preparatory Committee:
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Amin Abdullah (Tatani), University of Sulaimaniyah, Chairman.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Karwan Omar Qadir, University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
- Asst. Lctr. Mr Bahman Tahir Nariman, Representative of The District Directorate of Penjwen, Member.
Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadir Hama Amin Ahmad, University of Sulaimaniyah, Chairman.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Tahir Mohammad Ali, University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Osman Abdoul Ma’rouf, University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Amin Abdullah (Tatani), University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Karwan Omar Qadir, University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Tara Abdullah Said, University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Amin Mohammad Noori Amin, University of Sulaimaniyah, Member.
Communications Committee:
- Bahman Tahir Nariman, Assistant Lecturer, District of Penjwen, Chairman.
- Asso Omar Swara, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Kamil Omar, Assistant Lecturer, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Ali Mohammad Mohammad (Ali Penjweni), District of Penjwen, Member.
Finance and Administration Committee:
- Rizgar Mohammad Ahmad, District of Penjwen, Chairman.
- Sarwar Karim Karim, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Pishtiwan Gharib Hama Salih, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Pishtiwan Farhad Hama Karim, District of Penjwen, Committee Member.
- Izzat Tahir Mahmoud, District of Penjwen, Committee Member.
Welcoming (Protocol) Committee
- Aziz Mohammad Rashid (Aziz Blkiani), District of Penjwen, Chairman.
- Ra’ouf Rashid Rahman , District of Penjwen, Member.
- Hemin Ibrahim Rahman, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Ghaib Ali Fathullah, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Sirwan Omar Mahmoud, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Gulala Osman Mohammad, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Awara Sidiq Hama Majid (Nabaz Penjweni), District of Penjwen, Member.
- Bwar Qadir Mohammad, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Roshna Majid Said, District of Penjwen, Member.
- Zhwan Ahmad Mohammad (Zhwan Penjweni), District of Penjwen, Member.
- Khalid Abdullah Mohammad, District of Penjwen, Member.