Karayılan tells Erdoğan: Kurdistan is our territory, PKK won’t go away

KT News and Comment:

Murat Karayılan

Murat Karayılan

According to reports, the latest talks between the Turkish state and jailed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan are being led by National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Undersecretary Hakan Fidan. On Monday, Yalçın Akdoğan, chief advisor to Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan, said the basis of these talks is to try and get the PKK to lay down its arms. Erdoğan himself has recently stated: “PKK members can go to other countries after laying their arms down”.

However, Kurdish Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council President, Murat Karayılan (who is the PKK’s acting leader) has understandably rejected this scenario.

“Erdoğan must know that we are from Kurdistan, that we love this country and that we paid great prices for this country”, declared Karayılan in a new year message.

“In response to Erdoğan who offers two alternatives, either to become Turk and agree on a single nation or to leave the country, I say that it is him who must leave this territory which is Kurdistan and is our country. Everyone should know that guerrillas of the freedom movement and the resistance of the Kurdish people will remain alive as long as the armed repression and political slaughter of the Kurdish people continue”.

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3 Responses to Karayılan tells Erdoğan: Kurdistan is our territory, PKK won’t go away
  1. kurd
    January 3, 2013 | 15:44

    Good for you Karayılan
    As I see it, (PKK) doesn’t lay down arms and ocalan do not accept with this old concept of Turkish officials, because, he is a politician and has an intellectual background and he knows Turkish state well, therefore, (PKK)’s activities and struggles with wild Turkish army it is need and important, because, as I mentioned, I don’t think, (PKK) lay down arms and I hope after two or three months Kurdish spring take place in Turkey…if god wishes

  2. kuvan
    January 3, 2013 | 18:19

    Sarhaldan jyana,Barxodan,jyana.Har bjit sheren chyaen Kurdistane.Bjit kasen azadi o dadmandi xast.slavo rez le sar gyane pake shaheeden kurdistan.

  3. […] ‘Erdogan moet begrijpen dat wij tot Koerdistan behoren, dat we van dit land houden en er een hoge prijs voor hebben betaald. Erdogan biedt twee alternatieven: Turk worden, of het land verlaten. Dan zeg ik: trek je zelf maar uit het gebied terug dat Koerdistan heet en ons land is. Iedereen moet weten dat de guerrillas van de vrijheidsbeweging en het verzet blijven zolang de gewapende repressie en de politieke moord op de Koerden doorgaan.’ […]

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